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Inter-County Championship Teams Announced

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[<<] [>>] by Chris Williams at Sussex County and Compton
2 Apr 2011 (AC - Championships)

The following are the latest team lists as notified to the CA Office.

Any corrections please let us know asap.

(Updated 26 May 2011)

Division 1


Colin Irwin (C), David Maugham, Ian Lines, Ken Cooper, Steve Lewis, Nick Harvey


William Ormerod, Roy Edwards, Jonathan Wood, Charlie Askew, David Harrison-Wood, Tom Weston, David Kendrick, Strat Liddiard, David GA Nicholson


Chris Williams (C), Ian Burridge, John Evans, Garry McElwain, Kevin Ham, David Walters, Sue Mackay


Richard M Smith(C), Duncan Hector, David Tutt, George Woolhouse, Simon Hathrell, Nick Mounfield, John Gibbons


David Openshaw (C), Bob Burnett, Ray Lowe, Ailsa Lines, Paul Rigge, Lee Hartley, Dave Nick


Nick Parish (C), Phil Cordingley, Nelson Morrow, Dayal Gunasekera, Eugene Chang, Nigel Polhill, Gabrielle Higgins, Mark Fawcett, Christian Carter


Richard White (C), Keith Aiton, Gary Bennett, Dean Bennison, James Death, Patrick Hort, Richard Huxley


David Goacher, Ed Duckworth, Roger Jenkins, Kristian Chambers, Roger Tribe, Marcus Evans, Jim Field, Andrew Willis


Steve Comish (C), Martin French, Chris Farthing, Phil Eardley, Martin Leach, Mark Avery


Jamie Burch, Jeff Dawson, Stephen Mulliner, Samir Patel, Tim Wilkins, Don Beck, David Mooney, George Noble, Jerry Guest


Roger Wood (C), Rutger Beijderwellen, Paul Castell, Alan Cottle, Jack Davies, Mark Hamilton, David Mumford, Graham Thompson, Dominic Nunns

Division 2


Ben Ashwell, Jon Watson, Howard Bottomley, Bryan Harral, George Collin, John Bevington, Tom Anderson, John Wheeler

Berks & Oxon

Joe King, Nick Butler, Robin Brown, Bob Stephens, Martin Burger, Alan Edwards, Avril Rangoni-Machiavelli, Andy Robertson

Channel Isles

Richard Griffiths (C), Tony Le Moignan, Kevin Garrad, Nigel Betts, Gavin Carter, James Le Moignan, Matthew Burrow, Sarah Burrow, Paula Le Moignan


Michael Heap (C), Robert Fulford, Susan Fulford, Jonathan Hills, Guy Willard, Jack Wicks, Nick Steiner


Paul Smith (C), Dave Foulser, Dave Kibble, Don Gaunt, Louise Bradforth, Dave Mundy


Brian Fisk (C), James Tuttiett, Mike Town, David G Nicholson, Graham Gale, Julie Hudson, John McMordie, Nigel Hind


Peter Nash, John Daniels, David Collins, Robert Alexander, David Parkins, Jon Diamond, Paul Miles, Philip Mann, Alex Jardine


Martin Granger-Brown (C), Andrew Gregory, Paul Swaffield, Henry Fellows, Nick Hyne, Sam Tudor


Richard Dickson (C), Jonathan Lacey, Roger Hayes, John Grimshaw, Richard WL Smith, Richard Stevens, Jonathan Lamb, Brian Shorney, Jane Hull


John Davis (C), Rod Ashwell, John Filsak, Peter Thompson, Charles Waterfield, Robert Wilkinson

CA Select

John Taylor, Bill Arliss (C), Ed Dymock, John Scrase, Alan Pidcock, Graham Brightwell, Peter McDermott, Robbie Dodds


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