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Nick Mounfield won the Colchester Advanced Egyptian Weekend

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[<<] [>>] by Martin French
21-22 Apr 2012 (AC)

Usually run by Rob Fulford, this season-opener for many in East Anglia was going to be cancelled this year, as Rob - and others - would be on their way to Adelaide for the AC World Championship. Martin French stepped in and offered to manage the event, and 5 or 6 entrants were expected so an all-play-all was planned. In the end, 13 showed up, so the format switched to an Egyptian. The flexibility of this helped deal with Rob Fulford departing for the airport on Saturday afternoon, Jack Wicks having family commitments on the Sunday, and Martin Leach leaving early to hear his wife sing at Snape concert hall on the Sunday.

The croquet was typically early-season. Good in parts, rather more errors than you'd expect, and people struggling with the pace on lawns that looked like they should be easy (but turned out to have quite variable pace).

Nick Mounfield won the Egyptian - and so the Lexden Cup - winning all his games. Debbie Cornelius came second and saw her handicap improve to -1. Rob Fulford produced a trade-mark Sextuple against Ian Lines but then made Colin Hemming's croquet year by losing to him in the next game - ideal prep for Adelaide! Colin texted his wife immediately. Ian Lines managed three Triple Peels and came third in the event.

The weather was better than forecast or feared, and only a couple of showers dampened proceedings. Susan Fulford kindly cooked the lunches on Saturday, before leaving for the airport, and Martin Leach did the lunches on Sunday before leaving for Snape. My thanks to them both.

Full Results

Jack Wicks beat Steve Woolnough +23
Ian Lines beat Paul Castell +3tp
Colin Hemming beat George Woolhouse +19
Robert Fulford beat Martin French +17
Nick Steiner beat Martin Leach +7
Debbie Cornelius beat Jack Davies +26
Nick Mounfield beat Jack Davies +4
Debbie Cornelius beat Jack Wicks +4
Steve Woolnough beat Paul Castell +19
Robert Fulford beat Ian Lines +26sxp
Martin French beat Nick Steiner +11
George Woolhouse beat Martin Leach +4
Colin Hemming beat Robert Fulford +11
Ian Lines beat Jack Wicks +21
Nick Mounfield beat Debbie Cornelius +15
Steve Woolnough beat Jack Davies +9tp
Paul Castell beat Nick Steiner +3
Martin French beat Colin Hemming +5
Ian Lines beat George Woolhouse +26tp
Jack Wicks beat Martin Leach +2
Nick Mounfield beat Steve Woolnough +26
Paul Castell beat Jack Davies +2
Nick Steiner beat George Woolhouse +6
Ian Lines beat Martin French +26tp
Nick Mounfield beat Paul Castell +13
Debbie Cornelius beat George Woolhouse +14
Jacke Davies beat Nick Steiner +7
Martin Leach beat Colin Hemming +5
Martin French beat George Woolhouse +13
Ian Lines beat Jack Davies +23
Nick Steiner beat Colin Hemming +9
Debbie Cornelius beat Paul Castell +17
Steve Woolnough beat George Woolhouse +26
Nick Mounfield beat Martin French +15

Handicap Changes

Debbie Cornelius from -0.5 to -1


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