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World Championship TV Coverage

[<<] [>>] by Richard Hilditch
31st August 2005 (Other News)

As you would expect, Trans World Sport did a very professional job on the event. There is a 6 minute slot at about 22 minutes into the program.


  • interview with David Openshaw, the president
  • a few cover shots of modest crowds
  • semi-finals day but no reference to losing semi-finalists
  • variety of background music
  • brief interview with Rob
  • couple of interviews with Reg
  • brief coverage of final
  • Bernard refereeing full jump at rover on finishing turn
  • small fist from Reg after pegging out
  • Reg kissing trophy
  • brief coverage of developing nations plate final, including brief interview in Swedish with winner.

SKY SPORTS 3 Wed / Thurs midnight, Thurs 2000, Fri 1600 and Channel Four Sunday morning 0700


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