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Charles-Eric Vilain XIIII requests your stories for a book about croquet

[<<] [>>] by Allan Morris
21st December 2005 (Other News)

The idea of this book about croquet is to write everything about croquet but not about the game. It's about the social side, friendship, croquet venues, travel... All about exceptional moments in life. In addition this book I will compile all the croquet clubs of the world listed by country, all the croquet hotels as well as major croquet OPEN tournaments over the world. I would like to stimulate you to travel around the world and play croquet. It's not only for world champions....

So here are a few questions, but don't hesitate to think outside the frame and to come up with other interesting or funny stories.... You don't have to answer all questions. These are just some ideas. Just pick up those you think they would be nice to read and are important to you.

  • Why did you pick-up croquet and why do you still play?
  • Funny and great experiences with croquet (not about the game)
  • Why do you play in tournaments?
  • Your preferred tournaments and why?
  • Your preferred croquet spots and why?
  • The most beautiful croquet venues and why? + your hidden secrets
  • The best social croquet events and why?
  • Business and croquet
  • Would you travel and play croquet for your holidays?
  • ...................

Please reply to and mention "Why play croquet!?" as subject. Thank you very much for your involvement! I keep you posted when the book will be ready. I'm looking forward to your stories...

All participants will be named and listed in the book (unless they don't want to be).

Best regards
Charles-Eric Vilain XIIII
President and founder member of the Croquet Federation of Belgium


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