The Nottingham list goes walkabout
[<<] [>>] by Ian Vincent
27th April 2006
(Other News)
Over the last couple of hours (8 to 10 am BST, Tuesday, 26th April, 2006) I have moved the mailing list from its previous server,, run by my soon to be former employer, to a new one,, which I have set up using mailman on a commercially hosted Linux virtual server. I think I have transferred the existing membership information and archive (though there are some spurious part messages at the end of the current archive, presumably caused by a bug in the processing or badly formatted messages): hopefully, all that has changed is the address and a few cosmetic details. I have left redirects for the old addresses to the new ones, but please use the latter from now on. It is possible that a few messages in transit may go astray: if so, sorry and please resend them to the new address.
The new email address for sending messages to the list is
and the web address for (un)subscription and the archives is
Finally, please let me know of any problems, noting my new email address:
The croquet community thanks Ian for this and for his previous hard work in setting up and maintaining this much-valued service.