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Win £250 for Your Club!

[<<] [>>] by Pat Kennett
6 Nov 2008 (Other News)

Club Awards 2008

Your Club could win £250! The CA gives three awards every other year in recognition of a club's progress.
The Townsend Award is open to all clubs with one or two courts, the Apps Heley Award to clubs with three or four courts and the Millennium Award is for clubs with five or more courts.

The judging criteria include

  • Facilities that the club has managed to develop off court
  • Development and quality of courts
  • Playing achievements
  • Participation in Federation activities
  • Hosting of CA or Federation events
  • Local and regional publicity
  • Fund-raising activities

The winner of each award will receive an inscribed plaque and a cheque for £250. The actual trophy will be presented at the CA AGM and will be held for 2 years. Clubs must be full members of the CA.

Clubs wishing to be considered should submit a nomination form to their Federation Development Officer by 31 December 2008. This will then be forwarded to the Development Committee who will consider all the applications at their first meeting in 2009.

Nomination forms are in the CA Club Handbook or can be found on this website.

The 2007 winners were Cornwall, Crake Valley, and Tunbridge Wells


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