Woking Midsummer AC Open 7-9th June
Woking Midsummer AC Open 2024
by Sara Anderson at Woking Croquet Club12 Jun (AC)
Jeff Dawson and NIck Steiner won the A and B classes respectively at the Woking Midsummer AC Open.
The doubles was won by Jeff Dawson and Andrew Dutton.
Going into the last round of the singles, Nick had the B block sewn up, being the only person undefeated.
The final A game was between Jeff and Robin Brown, neither of whom had lost a game. However, Robin's hitting-in had deserted him, and Jeff completed a steady +26 win.
There were five triple peels in the A block, including a tpot (tpo on time) by Robin. The doubles included four triple peels, three by individuals and one played as alternate stroke doubles by Mike Town and Charlie Martin.
Pictures attached of winners and one of Robin Brown and Sara Anderson checking to see if Annabel's Pink ball can take croquet from the
Brown ball on the playing side of the hoop ….it could. U+?
Tournament Manager Mike Town