The synergy of Croquet and Bowls
[<<] [>>] by Stephen Wright
28th January
(CqE Official News)
A number of croquet clubs have benefited by linking up with bowls clubs and it is mutually beneficial relationship. We are two lawns based sports who need and want almost identical club infrastructures.
There are over 3,000 bowls clubs in England. Many are highly successful, but there are also many that are struggling to survive due to falling membership. Sharing their facilities with people who want to play croquet can often be a lifeline, giving the revenue that they need to thrive. At the same time , for a croquet club, they will almost certainly have quality lawns and a club house most small croquet clubs can only dream of. It can be an excellent way of starting a new club without having to find the investment needed to create new lawns or set up a club house. It can also be a way for clubs who are forced to move, to find new premises or are simply looking to improve their facilities and share the costs of lawn maintenance.
The Sports Development Committee is launching an initiative to maximise this synergy. How to ensure the bowls and croquet communities can share facilities in a positive way. To do this we need to understand what is actually happening on the ground at club level. We want to create case studies that can help clubs replicate the successes, and avoid pitfalls.
As a first step we want to identify all the clubs that have some form of connection to bowls, having either shared facilities with bowls clubs, or taken over where a bowls club has closed. If your club is such a clubs then could you please contact Paul Francis email: