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'Action For AC' Webinar - 7:30 pm on Monday 31st March

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pictureAction for AC Webinar

by Debbie Lines
14th February (AC)

The 'Action For AC' initiative aims to halt the apparent decline in the amount of AC being played at our clubs. We know many clubs would like to grow AC but are struggling to find people who can share their AC expertise. We are asking for AC enthusiasts to sign up to help. Can you spare some time next season to encourage others to give AC a try? Could you mentor someone new to AC? Can you visit nearby clubs and help them learn the game? Whether it's supporting complete croquet beginners or those who already play some GC, we hope we can get 'More People Playing More AC in More Places'.

If you would like to find out more about this initiative, whether as a volunteer, or someone who needs AC support, then please dial into the webinar.

For more information visit: RevitalisingAC-ActionforAC, or email

Zoom Meeting


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