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Joining a Club

If you enjoy playing croquet in your garden, or perhaps you would like to play but don't have a garden big enough, then why not consider joining a croquet club? Most croquet clubs are full of people like you, who enjoy playing the game and who are generally enthusiastic about sharing what they have learnt. Play at clubs can be at all levels, and varies considerably between groups who like to play 'social' croquet (and are not too serious), and those who are more competitive and want to play more seriously - most clubs can happily accommodate both.

Playing croquet is generally inexpensive compared to other sports. Club membership costs vary widely, but are generally in the region of £125 to £350 per year. Many clubs will also offer a free introductory period in which you can try out the facilities, and see if it would suit you. The club will generally provide all the equipment you need, including mallets, balls, hoops etc. All you need to bring are usually flat-soled shoes such as trainers to avoid damaging the lawns (one of the advantages of club play is that you can play on lawns which will be a much better standard than most home lawns). Once you have been playing for a while, you will probably want to buy your own mallet, and this will typically cost £125 to £300 for a good quality mallet suitable for club play.

Clubs are located all around the UK - follow the link to find details of the clubs near you.

Forming a Club

No club near you? Perhaps you could consider forming your own. Croquet England is keen to help people forming new clubs, and we can provide a variety of help both with advice and loan equipment. In the first instance, it is best to contact your local Croquet Federation, and talk to the development officer who will assess your project and advise accordingly.