Croquet England Club Affiliation
For individual Croquet England subscription or subscription renewal, please refer to Join Croquet England.
Why Join Croquet England as a Club
Croquet England is run almost entirely by volunteers who give up their time to promote the sport and help in the administration. A lot of work goes on behind the scenes to promote awareness of the sport in the national press and elsewhere, to organise a tournament circuit our members benefit from, to maintain the laws of the sport, to provide coaching and generally to help both new and existing clubs to develop and flourish. By joining Croquet England you will help us to maintain this effort, and be contributing to the wider croquet community.
Other club resources include the Club Guide to Croquet England, Downloads and Forms, and Advice for Clubs. Please contact the office for anything else.
The types of Club Affiliation are detailed below. If your club would like to join Croquet England, or has any further questions, please contact the office.
Affiliated Club
As an Affiliated Club, you will enjoy the following benefits:
- A copy of The Croquet Gazette six times a year to make available to your club members. This helps everyone keep in touch with what is happening in the rest of the croquet world.
- An entry in the online Croquet England Directory of Clubs, so that other players or anyone who asks about clubs in your area will know of your existence, and who to contact.
- Free cover by the Croquet England Public Liability Insurance Scheme, which provides third-party cover of £10 million as well as cover for Employer's and Professional Liability. Equivalent cover taken individually by a club typically costs well over £100 per year.
- Financial advice and help from Croquet England, including the possibility of starter and development grants or loans. Last year we gave out more than £20,000 in donations to clubs covering a wide range of projects including laying new lawns, building a new clubhouse, obtaining new equipment, establishing new clubs, etc.
- Advice on lawn construction and maintenance.
- The opportunity to participate in inter-club tournaments and competitions.
- Access to equipment insurance at competitive rates through our brokers.
- Recruitment advice on how to increase the membership of your club. This includes a free recruitment and retention guide and provision of materials (leaflets, posters, etc.) to help when required.
- The opportunity to negotiate special rates of discount on major purchases of equipment.
- Any member of a Croquet England Affiliated Club can be registered as a Croquet England Associate. Standard Associate benefits.
The first-year subscription for an Affiliated Club costs £62.
In subsequent years, the subscription is based on the number of playing members in your club (excluding those who have told you that another club is their primary one). For 2025, the normal rate is £17.50 per head for adult members, but there is a discounted rate of £11.50 per head for clubs that have either a playing area significantly less than two full-sized lawns or significant external restrictions on their usage; and £5 for each under-25 member.
The fee is capped at £93 in the second subscription year, and £124 in the third; and is a minimum of £62 in all years.
Affiliated Educational Body
Schools and universities can enjoy a reduced flat rate of £50, which entitles them to the same benefits as Associated clubs, except that they can only register 30 of their members as Standard or U25 Standard Associates.