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Subscriptions and Levy

Individual Subscriptions

Details of Associate types and rates can be found on the Join Croquet England page of the Croquet England website.


Levy is payable to Croquet England by all competitors in Fixtures Calendar listed Tournaments in the Domain of more than one day's duration and is included in the entry fee charged.

The standard rate of levy is £7 per player per Calendar Fixture, except that the rate is zero for Under-25 Subscribers and complimentary entries.

Players who are not Croquet England Premium Associates pay an additional levy, through their entry fee, of £7 (£3.50 Under-25) per scheduled day for each event (other than one-day Tournaments).

Croquet England Premium Associates include Overseas Associates and Under-25 Premium Associates and overseas players claiming reciprocal rights through the World Croquet Federation.

Please refer to the Tournament Regulations for further details.

Mark Suter [Operations Manager]