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Croquet England Insurance - Guidance for Coaches

Croquet England holds an insurance policy with Sportscover through its brokers Endsleigh which offers Professional Indemnity insurance to coaches in certain circumstances.

Broadly speaking a Croquet England Qualified Coach, coaching on a voluntary basis on behalf of a Croquet England Affiliate Club (or associated Academy), Federation or Croquet England itself will have Professional Indemnity cover under the policy.

However such a simple statement actually gives rise to many questions. This document, which has been agreed with our brokers and insurers, is intended as a ready guide to the insurance that we hold. It is not intended as a substitute for the policy document which can be found on the Croquet England website. If you are uncertain about any aspect of the insurance held you should contact either the Croquet England Operations Manager, Croquet England Treasurer or Endsleigh for clarification.

Public Liability/Professional Indemnity

This document sets out the requirements for a coach to receive the benefits of Professional Indemnity Insurance under the policy. Regardless of whether or not a coach is covered for Professional Indemnity risks, the Public Liability aspects of any coaching activity remain covered under the policy in place for Clubs, Federations and Croquet England itself. For example if someone trips over a sprinkler head and hurts themselves during a coaching session this will be covered under the Public Liability section of the policy, even if the coach does not qualify to benefit from Professional Indemnity Cover. The Professional Indemnity cover is for claims arising directly from the advice offered by the coach. If the coach is not insured under the policy, claims such as these will not be picked up by the Public Liability insurance.

Open Days/Introductory Events

An insured party (e.g. Croquet England Affiliate Club) running a recruitment day where non-members are being introduced to the sport is not regarded as coaching. Such activities will be covered under the Public Liability section of the policy.

Who is Considered a Coach?

To be considered as a Coach under the policy you must meet one or other of these two criteria:

In the case of the latter, coverage will begin when you attend the first session of your Coach Training Course or Coach Qualification Course and will remain in place for a maximum period of 18 months whilst you complete the programme, unless you otherwise withdraw or are removed from the course.

A coach does not need to be a member of a club, but must be acting in the interests of an insured party (Croquet England or Affiliate Clubs/academies/federations).

If you do not meet the above requirements of a coach under the Professional Indemnity policy you will be covered if acting under the supervision of a lead coach covered by the policy. (The lead coach must be in attendance at the session).

What Coaching is Insured?

Coaching activity organised by an insured party (i.e. a Croquet England Affiliate Club (or associated Academy), Federation or Croquet England itself) whether one to one or in a group will be insured.

More informal coaching/advice arising between a coach and an individual/group of individuals will also be insured under the policy provided it is undertaken in the interests of an insured party (e.g. coaching/advising players at an insured club) or at one of their events (e.g. a tournament or match). Obviously private arrangements are not insured (e.g. coaching an individual at their own home). If you are unsure which side of the line a specific coaching activity lies check before going ahead.

Further Requirements

Any coaching you undertake must not be for any form of reward, financial benefit or otherwise. You may not charge individuals directly or the organising body (e.g. a club) for your services.

If you are paid reasonable travelling/subsistence expenses to cover the costs associated with you delivering a coaching session this is OK and you will be insured providing you are not charging for the actual coaching itself. (NB you are not insured whilst travelling to or from the venue only whilst actually coaching).


Coverage under the policy is on a "Claims Made" basis, this means that you need to be covered at the point that a claim is received. Accordingly should any incident take place which you believe may lead to a claim you should ensure that the insurers are promptly informed of the possibility. Do this by ringing our brokers directly (see below) and quote the policy number. Providing you do this during the period of insurance the incident reported will be eligible for coverage under the policy.

Coaching organised by an insured party is insured wherever it takes place. Whilst the coverage is on a Worldwide basis (i.e. an England team coach would be covered abroad), the policy only covers claims that are actually made in the United Kingdom.

The Professional Indemnity insurance covers the legal liability to pay compensation, costs and expenses resulting from a breach of professional duty and the agreed costs of the insured party.

Cover Period: Jan 1st 2024 - April 30th 2025

Level of Professional Indemnity Cover: £1,000,000 (aggregate of all claims)

Excess: £250

Policy No: PLON99/0114805 Brokers: Endsleigh 0333 234 1657

This document is to be reviewed on 30th April 2025