Croquet England Logo
Croquet England Logo

Club Membership Renewal

<Target Name>

[SKIP(if no FormToPay)]

Based on the information below, the <Instance> subscription for <TargetName> is <ToPay>.

Please pay Croquet England by bank transfer quoting reference <Target Code>CSUB or send a cheque to the office. Fees are due on 1st January but you can pay before if that suits.


Croquet England
Sort Code: 80-22-60
Account No: 25330067


First, please check the club's membership list by adding any new members and removing anyone who has left your club by clicking Delete next to their name.

(*) I confirm that the club's membership list on the database is up-to-date.


The Club Annual return Form must be completed by 31 December.

Please enter the number of playing-members for whom <TargetName> was their primary or only croquet club on 30 September last:

Primary (or only) Club Adult Playing-Members: [         ]

Primary (or only) Club U25 Playing-Members: [         ]

  • U25 people are those under 25 on 30 September last.
  • Club members can be excluded only if another club is their primary club or if they are non-playing members.

Please tell us also the total numbers of croquet-playing-members that <TargetName> had on 30 September last, including those who are primary members at other clubs:

Total Adult Playing-Members: [         ]

Total U25 Playing-Members: [         ]

Use only digits 0-9 in the boxes. The information in the first two boxes is used to calculate the Croquet England Subscription for Affiliated Clubs (both Normal and Discounted) and to collect comparable data for University, School and Partner Clubs (whose subscription is a fixed fee). The second two boxes are for statistical purposes and help in gaining sponsorship for our sport.

Please select the relevant membership category for your club:

(*) Affiliated Club paying Normal Rate (<Fee_29_Adult> per adult member, <Fee_29_Junior> per U25 person, minimum <Fee_29_Min>)

(*) Affiliated Club paying Discounted Rate (less than 2 lawns or restricted use of lawns as agreed with Croquet England) (<Fee_30_Adult> per adult member, <Fee_30_Junior> per U25 person, minimum <Fee_30_Min>)

(*) Affiliated Club paying Normal Rate in second year of membership (capped at <Fee_29_Cap_Y2>, minimum <Fee_29_Min>)

(*) Affiliated Club paying Normal Rate in third year of membership (capped at <Fee_29_Cap_Y3>, minimum <Fee_29_Min>)

(*) Affiliated Club paying Discounted Rate in second year of membership (capped at <Fee_30_Cap_Y2>, minimum <Fee_30_Min>)

(*) Affiliated Club paying Discounted Rate in third year of membership (capped at <Fee_30_Cap_Y3>, minimum <Fee_30_Min>)

(*) University/School at <Fee_32>

Please contact the office if you have any queries or need assistance in completing this form.