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Croquet England

Croquet England (CqE) is the national governing body for the sport of Croquet (including both Association Croquet and Golf Croquet and all other forms of the sport recognised by the World Croquet Federation) in England, and is responsible for promoting community participation in the sport and advancing the sport for the public benefit by the provision of facilities. Included in the term "facilities" are the development of the playing infrastructure; the fostering of competition; the maintenance of the Laws and Rules; the operation of the handicap and ranking systems; the development and control of a national coaching system; the selection and support of national representative teams and the provision of awards made in recognition of contributions and achievements.

In conjunction with the regional Federations and its Affiliated Clubs, Croquet England supports croquet at all levels, from games played in the garden and local play at clubs, through to regional and national tournaments and international matches. It runs an online shop, from its headquarters in Cheltenham, where both its subscribers and the public can purchase books and equipment, with the benefit of advice if needed.

Croquet England is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (Charity No. 1202444), funded through club and tournament levies, individual subscriptions, and donations. The Organisation may claim "Gift Aid" to enhance the amount of any donation if an appropriate declaration is made. Most of its accomplishments are through voluntary effort. Croquet England is responsible for all those aspects of the game that need national coordination, in particular, it:

More Details

10 Things you might not know about Croquet England.

The Constitution of the organisation defines Croquet England and the Structure of the CIO describes how Croquet England organises itself. Current Officers & Committee details lists committee members and links to the meetings schedule and meeting minutes and papers.

You can join Croquet England as an Individual Associate as a member of an Affiliated Club. If you wish to have the additional privileges and benefits accorded to a Premium Associate, or you don't belong to an Affiliated Club, you will need to apply as an individual and pay directly. You will be registered as a Standard Associate upon receipt by the Office of your name and required information from your Club Secretary, without further charge. Your subscription will already have been included in the levy paid by your Club. All Associates (Premium and Standard, including those aged between 16 and 25) may apply to become a Member of the CIO. Members have the right to vote in elections and at General Meetings of the CIO. The only difference between the status of Associate and that of Member is the right to vote. When Associates and Members are referred to together, they are called Subscribers.

If you need paperwork: Downloads & Forms, for anything else please contact the office.

Other resources:

If you cannot find the information you want about the sport of croquet on this website, our office staff have many free leaflets and publications, which they will be pleased to send you, so please get in touch.

Communication enquiries should be sent to