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South West Council Constituency

This page's content is specific to the Croquet Association and not to Croquet England. There is, or soon will be, a replacement for it relating to the new organisation.

Serving Members

Brian Wilson (until October 2024)

Brian notes that the CA has undergone considerable changes in recent history - to say nothing about responding to the impact of Covid. There will, he says, be more challenges in the future for the CA, Clubs, Federations, but we are building on a fantastic foundation

As a past Chair of the CA Marketing Committee Brian introduced a number of initiatives creating greater interest in croquet and assisting clubs to increase membership e.g. National Croquet Day/Week. He was also a member of the CA Council, stepping down to become Chair of the South West Federation. His 3 year tenure ended in the autumn of 2021.

Brian wishes to work to build upon recent developments, looking for further improvements, delivering change, securing the future of our sport and increase membership. He suggests that the CA has a wealth of knowledge collected from surveys and working parties, yet many recommendations do not get the full support they deserve. We need to continue to appreciate the problems faced by clubs and the sport in general, providing resources and support where necessary.

Brian is proactive in sourcing grants, funding and sponsorship for his club and looks forward to extending this to the CA and clubs, encouraging people to exchange their knowledge and experience.

Brian plays both AC and GC but needs to work on his AC skills. As a Grade 1 GC Coach, he has introduced many people to croquet, identifying and supporting improvers to enter the 'competitive world'

His career included lecturing in finance, business and company 'start ups' in FE and HE, Management Consultancy (company turnaround) and sourcing grants from competitive funding.

Peter Nelson (until October 2023)

Peter has been playing croquet for 14 years and has been an active member of the Sidmouth club during that time. He plays Association competitively, representing the club and entering many open events. He has also played competitively in Austria, Corfu, Ireland and South Africa. His current handicap is 1.5. He plays play Golf Croquet socially.

Peter has served as Treasurer of the Sidmouth club and was Chairman for 6 years. During this period the club thrived and the membership increased. After standing down from this post he was keen to become involved in promoting the sport in a wider context. He is particularly interested in promoting short croquet and developing competitions in which players from both codes can compete and which may be a vehicle through which more players may be encouraged to transition and enjoy both forms of the game.

Peter is retired from his career in civil engineering. Professionally he managed an engineering consultancy being responsible for over a thousand staff. He believes that this background has enabled him to develop the communication and strategic thinking skills which a council member requires.


The South West Council constituency covers the area of the South West Federation.

Election Cycle

The next election for this constituency fell due in 2022. Dave Kibble did not stand for re-election and in the absence of any nomination his post was declared vacant with effect from October 2022. A by election will be held in 2023.

Further Information

Please see the election rules for further information about the election process and the guide to the skills sought.