Croquet England Partners
Partners of Croquet England are other individuals or groups that may join the CIO in accordance with Clause 9(6)(a) of the Constitution. Partners may not become members of Croquet England and are not entitled to vote.
Please contact the Croquet England Office for further information on Croquet England Partnership and to join as a Partner.
Club Partnership
Club Partnership is available to groups formed primarily for purposes other than playing croquet (e.g. U3A groups, Women's Institutes, and Livery Companies) but which make occasional use of an Affiliated Club's facilities to enjoy the sport and wish to be part of Croquet England. It costs £50 per year, and gives you:
- A copy of The Croquet Gazette six times a year to make available to your club members. This helps everyone keep in touch with what is happening in the rest of the croquet world.
- An entry in the online Croquet Directory of Clubs, so that other players or anyone who asks about clubs in your area will know of your existence, and who to contact.
Hospitality Partnership
Hospitality Partnership is designed for organisations that have facilities for playing croquet that can be used by members, employees or guests - for example, Hotels, Country Houses and Company sports clubs.
Croquet would not normally be seen as a prime function of the organisation but the organisation aims to maximise the usage and enjoyment of those using the croquet facilities.
Croquet is an ideal activity for team building as it is simple to play, social, very interactive (especially doubles), and it is independent of age, gender or physical ability.
Hospitality Partnership can facilitate this by:
- Promoting your facilities on the Croquet England website and the croquet-playing community
- Receiving the latest croquet information via copies of the Croquet Gazette (published 6 times a year) and regular Electronic newsletters.
- Getting a copy of the Official Rules of Garden Croquet
- Getting a copy of the 'know the game book' - This is an introduction to the more extensive games of Golf Croquet and Association Croquet
- Discounts on purchases of quality croquet equipment
- Access to website information on all aspects of the game, including tactics, skills improvement, and lawn maintenance
- A Garden Associate subscription for a representative of your organisation
- Opening up opportunities for your organisation to host and/or participate in Garden Croquet events
Hospitality Partnership costs £150 per calendar year.