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Child Safeguarding Processes


  1. This document defines the following processes to be used during child safeguarding:
    1. Child safeguarding for competitions and other events.
    2. Responding to safeguarding incidents and concerns.
  2. This document is part of the CA Child Safeguarding Policy.

Child Safeguarding for Competitions and Other Events


  1. This section:
    1. Clarifies the roles and responsibilities for safeguarding children[1] during competitions[2] and other events[3] hosted by a CA club.
    2. Defines the actions to be taken when a child, unaccompanied by either a parent or Responsible Adult, arrives at either a competition or other event.
    3. Assigns responsibilities should a safeguarding incident occur.


  1. Competitions are likely to arise in a variety of circumstances:
    1. Internal club competitions. It is the responsibility of the club to apply the CA's policy for all children playing in internal competitions.
    2. Inter-club team competitions. Unless the child is accompanied by their parent, the child's club needs to appoint, with the agreement of the parent, a Responsible Adult (often the captain) who must accompany the team.
    3. A child entering as an individual. The child's parent can be expected to ensure that the organiser/tournament director is informed of the child's status on entry. On receipt of this information, the organiser/tournament director must ensure, by delegation as necessary, that, either the child will be accompanied by their parent, or a Responsible Adult is appointed for the run-up and duration of the tournament.
    4. A child entering as a member of an all-child team. When a team entering a competition is a team of all children, for example representing a school, the team will normally be accompanied by a teacher or parent who is clear on their role within the safeguarding policy of the school. The captain of the opposing team should discuss any safeguarding issues with them.
  2. For large Junior competitions involving many children, the host club and the competition organiser should ensure that sufficient adults are on hand and a detailed protection policy is put in place.
  3. For WCF championships/events (which involve children from outside the UK) the WCF guidance must be followed. Likewise, if any child enters a competition outside the CA domain, they should follow the host country's policy.

Other Events

  1. For other events involving children, it is the organiser's responsibility to ensure that children attending the event are safeguarded. This should include liaison with the host club's Local Safeguarding Officer.
  2. When a child enters another event, the organiser is to ensure that:
    1. Either the child will be accompanied by their parent, or a Responsible Adult is appointed for the run-up and duration of the event.
    2. The guidance in the Conduct for Trip Organisers section of the CA Codes of Safeguarding Conduct document is applied.

Unaccompanied Children

  1. Should a child turn up at a competition or other event without either their parents or an appropriate Responsible Adult, every effort should be made to contact the parents (failing that the home club officials), to validate the entry and during the interim period ensure proper protection for the child. In the case of further difficulties, the guidance of the Club/Federation/National Safeguarding Officer should be sought as a matter of urgency.

Reporting of Safeguarding Incidents

  1. Should any safeguarding incidents occur during any of the above competitions or other events, the competition/event organiser must ensure the safeguarding reporting procedures in Responding to Safeguarding Incidents and Concerns are followed.

Responding to Safeguarding Incidents and Concerns

  1. This section covers both:
    1. Safeguarding incidents that arise.
    2. Safeguarding concerns about:
      1. A child.
      2. The behaviour of an adult towards a child.
  2. Concerns, which may include breaches in behaviour as defined in the CA Codes of Safeguarding Conduct, may be expressed by a child, another CA adult member, or a non-member spectator or visitor.
  3. This document does not cover incidents not directly related to safeguarding e.g. accidents - for which separate procedures should be followed.
  4. Incidents/concerns must be reported confidentially to the LSO as soon as possible, who will normally seek further guidance in the first instance from the National Safeguarding Officer (or in their absence, their Federation LSO or the designated member of the CA Executive Board). No member may deal with any concerns themselves beyond this.
  5. Welfare/Safeguarding Officers may seek advice from the NSPCC or local statutory agencies on how to manage the situation.
  6. The LSO is responsible for maintaining a written, confidential record of all events about the incident/concern, which includes dates and times of these events, witnesses and other relevant information. See Template T4 Child Safeguarding Report Form.
  7. Incidents/concerns about a child that do not involve croquet-related activities may be discussed with the LSO and the NSPCC adult helpline is available for confidential advice on 0808 800 5000.

If a Child Discloses Abuse

  1. If a child discloses abuse:
    1. React calmly and take what they say seriously.
    2. Communicate effectively taking any communication needs into account.
    3. Ask only enough questions to gain essential information and using open-ended questions.
    4. Make it clear to the child you may need to share this information and tell them who you will be sharing it with.
  2. Do not:
    1. Talk of your own experiences or those of others.
    2. React in a shocked or negative way.
    3. Make any assumptions.
    4. Talk to any person named or make any comments about them.
    5. Promise any actions other than to discuss with the LSO.
    6. Promise to keep secrets.
  3. Keep details of all conversations, phone calls and correspondence, including:
    1. Date and Time.
    2. Person spoken to.
    3. Their contact details.
    4. Their advice, etc.


Template T4 - Child Safeguarding Report Form


[1] Children are defined in this policy as all those under 18.

[2] "Competitions" includes tournaments.

[3] "Other events" includes any courses that are attended by any child.