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Croquet England Logo

Safeguarding Adults at Risk


Section 1: Policy

Section 2: Implementation

Section 3: Roles

Section 4: Procedures

Specimen Club/Federation/Academy Policy Statement

Specimen Club Poster

Section 1: Safeguarding Adults at Risk Policy


  1. In the context of this policy, the following statutory (Care Act 2014) definition applies:

    An adult at risk is someone over 18, who:

    • has needs for care and support (whether or not the local authority is meeting any of those needs) and;
    • is experiencing, or at risk of, abuse or neglect, and;
    • as a result of those care and support needs is unable to protect themselves from either the risk of, or the experience of, abuse or neglect.

    A carer is an adult chosen by or for an adult at risk and accompanying them to protect them from harm or abuse.

  1. In every case, it is expected that an adult at risk will be accompanied by a carer capable of managing the adult at risk's needs, including their protection from harm or abuse.
  2. As noted in the Welfare and Wellbeing Policy, some members have limitations (e.g. sight, hearing, mobility, mental), either temporary or permanent, which impact their wellbeing. Such personal circumstances are not to be confused with those of an adult at risk (as defined above, which reflects the Care Act 2014).
  3. To be classed as an adult at risk the individual must be both at risk of harm through abuse or neglect and be unable to protect themselves from those threats. Given the nature of our sport, it can be concluded that our Safeguarding Adults at Risk Policy will only ever apply to a very small number of people. The most likely application is to events (e.g. at a care home) run specifically for high-risk groups.


  1. As a key element of good governance for our Sport, this policy is part of the Welfare and Wellbeing Policy, which includes all Safeguarding policies.
  2. We will safeguard adults at risk by ensuring that our activities are delivered in a way that protects all such adults from harm through abuse or neglect.
  3. This safeguarding policy and associated procedures are in line with national legislation and relevant guidelines.


  1. The purpose of this policy is to safeguard adults at risk when they are within the CA domain.
  2. Safeguarding adults at risk requires:
    • Knowing how adult abuse or neglect manifests itself.
    • Recognising adults who may be at risk and the circumstances that may increase their risk.
    • Taking measures to promote their safety from harm by reducing the risks.
    • Being willing to report safeguarding concerns.


  1. The scope, as represented by this diagram, applies to this policy:

    Safeguarding ScopeFigure 1: Safeguarding Scope

  1. The core are the members of the CA (including some children and adults at risk), whose welfare and wellbeing are the subject of this policy. However, this scope is extended by the inclusion of children and adults at risk who, while not being members, get involved with croquet under the CA's auspices for example, by joining a club junior squad, or by an organised day out to a croquet club by a care home for its residents. The responsibility stated in this policy also extends to other members of the public who become involved in croquet, for example at Pay and Play sessions, a club Open Day or external events such as taster sessions at a County Show. The CA's domain does not, however, extend to croquet played by a family in their garden (whether or not the members of the family are members of the CA). Children and adults at risk are within the CA's domain and therefore within the scope of this policy; however, they may not be CA members.
  2. It is envisaged that initially, this policy will apply to a very limited number of persons. The most likely scenarios are a group of special needs adults having a croquet experience at a club, or a group of croquet players providing a croquet experience to the residents of a care home. Nonetheless, the policy does include the possibility of an adult at risk, accompanied by their carer, playing at a club as part of normal play.
  3. Given the CA goal of "more people playing more croquet in more places", and the accepted physical and mental benefits of croquet, the number of adults at risk wishing to participate in the sport may increase.

Person-Centred Principle

  1. We undertake to follow the principle "No decision about me without me" when applying this policy.


  1. We require that:
    • Everyone involved with croquet safeguards adults at risk by protecting them from harm.
    • When an activity is being arranged solely, or mainly, for the benefit of adults at risk (e.g., a visit to a club from residents of a care home), a Designated Safeguarding Lead is appointed for that activity and is required to be in attendance.
    • Any other activity attended by an adult at risk has a person present chosen by them as their carer and responsible for their safeguarding.
    • Any concern that an adult is at risk of harm from abuse or neglect is taken seriously, responded to promptly, and followed up.
    • Adults at risk will be actively supported to communicate their views and the outcomes they wish to achieve.
    • Any actions taken will respect the rights and dignity of all concerned and be proportionate to the risk of harm.
    • Confidential, detailed and accurate records of all safeguarding concerns are maintained and securely stored in line with our Data Protection Policy.
    • Any member involved in a Regulated Activity with adults at risk holds an Enhanced DBS Certificate registered with the DBS Update Service.
  1. We expect all affiliated clubs, Federations and Academies within our domain to adopt this Policy and to publicise it so that all CA members, other club members, staff and volunteers are aware of their safeguarding responsibilities and comply with the Policy.

Complaints and Disciplinary Procedure

  1. The CA regards any abuse or neglect of an adult at risk to be conduct that is injurious to the character or interests of the Association.
  2. Any member having any concern, including whistleblowing, relating to safeguarding is encouraged to communicate with the appropriate club Chair, in the first instance, or to the Chair of the CA Council if more appropriate.
  3. Any complaint by a member relating to such conduct will be taken seriously and dealt with under the Association's Disciplinary and Appeal Procedures set out in Clause 8 and Appendix 1 of the Constitution, known as the CA Complaints Procedure.
  4. Any non-member wishing to complain is to be advised to communicate with the appropriate club Chair, in the first instance, or to the CA's Complaints Administrator if more appropriate.

Relationship with Other Policies

  1. This policy is part of the overarching Welfare and Wellbeing Policy as represented by this diagram:

    Picture: /infra/54803-2.pngFigure 2; Relationship with Other Policies

  2. Our policies and procedures in the following areas are consistent with this policy:
    • Child Safeguarding
    • Croquet Online (covering digital media)
    • Equality, diversity and inclusion, covering bullying and harassment
    • Information policy, data protection and information sharing
    • Code of conduct, including the Complaints and Disciplinary Procedure

Monitoring, Review and Continuous Improvement

  1. This policy will be reviewed:
    • In accordance with changes in legislation and guidance on safeguarding.
    • Following any incidents or concerns raised about the safeguarding of adults at risk within the Croquet Association.
    • In the light of best practice as it develops.
    • Triennially.
  1. This policy will be monitored by:
    • Keeping records of incidents, concerns and their outcomes.
    • Accepting comments from clubs, Federations and Academies on the ease of implementation and effect of the policy.

Version: 1.5
Dated: 25 Feb 22
Responsible: CA Safeguarding Officer