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Safeguarding Adults at Risk: Specimen Club Policy Statement

[Club]'s Safeguarding Policy

[Club], as an affiliated member club of the Croquet Association (CA), accepts that all our members have a responsibility to safeguard all vulnerable people sharing in all our activities.

The Club Committee has ensured that:

  1. A Local Safeguarding Officer (LSO) is appointed, and their contact details registered with the CA
  1. All members of this Club are informed on joining, and reminded annually thereafter, of their responsibilities to:
    1. Be aware of the need to safeguard children (i.e. all those under 18 years old) and adults at risk.
    2. Be good role models both in play and other croquet activities
    3. Be aware of, and comply with, the CA Codes of Safeguarding Conduct
    4. Know how to contact their Local Safeguarding Officer (LSO) or Chairman
    5. Report any safeguarding concerns they have to the LSO or Chairman at the earliest opportunity
  1. Those whose responsibilities will include operating the safeguarding systems and procedures set up by this Policy will liaise with the LSO to ensure they are undertaken correctly. These will include:
    1. Club Secretary and/or Membership Secretary
    2. Those with access to personal data
    3. Coaches
    4. Team Captains
    5. Tournament and event organisers
  1. Our adoption and implementation of this policy, with the Chairman and LSOs' contact details are displayed clearly:
    1. On our website
    2. Clearly displayed posters on our premises
  1. Any safeguarding matter that arises is reported to the next committee meeting and an annual report is presented to AGM.

This policy is reviewed triennially by the Croquet Association.

The Club's Chair and the appointed Local Safeguarding Officer have lead responsibility in this area to ensure these policies (and their associated procedures) are implemented:

The Croquet Association's Child Safeguarding Policy was adopted by this Club on [Date]

This policy is reviewed annually to reflect best practice

Our Local Safeguarding Officer is:




The National Safeguarding Officer is:

[insert current details from CA web page]