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Club People

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People make a club

From the volunteers who help to run a club, to the coaches who deliver sessions, to the members who take part, a club's people are what makes it stand out. Happy people will help a club to thrive and grow

What more could you do to help develop and keep your existing Club People, and how you can attract more of them?

Do you recognise any of the following challenges that many croquet clubs currently face?

It is hard to find enough volunteers from within our membership so the workload often falls on a small number of stalwarts.
Many of our players want to improve their games but we do not have enough (or even any) coaches at our club.
We don't properly understand what each of our members wants from the club; competition, socialising, making new friends, keeping fit….
We would like to be more consistent in delivering a great experience, particularly to new members.

If any or all of them do strike a chord with you then please either visit the Club People section of Sport England's Club Matters tool (Sport England Club Matters) to see some ideas on how to address them

or, preferably, contact your Federation Development Officer (Club & Federations) who would be delighted to support you by, for example, facilitating a focused workshop at your club to help you generate a set well defined and impactful actions.