Croquet England Logo
Croquet England Logo

Club Member Recruitment

Croquet England is England's organising body for the game of Croquet. One of its key roles is to give advice and assistance to its affiliated clubs and federations.

In 2003 the Clubs and federations were asked what help they needed to develop their organisations. The largest request was for help in recruiting and retaining members at club level.

In response to this request Croquet England developed this manual as an aid to clubs when looking to gain and retain new members. The manual is a collection of articles collected from various sources, and as such comprises a mixture of styles, and has articles that overlap in content material. We consider this an important first step, and hope to refine the content with feedback from you, the users, over time.


Forming and Building a Club


Handling the Press


Material Available From Croquet England

See the resources on the Advice for Clubs page.