Completing Your Club's Subscription Information
Online Croquet England Directory Help.
Towards the end of each year, Croquet England asks clubs to return information about their club in order to calculate the club's subscription for the following year. For Croquet England Affiliate Clubs paying either the normal or discounted rate, the subscription is based on the number of playing members for which the club is their primary (or only) croquet club. CqE asks that the information is returned by the end of the calendar year. Subscriptions for the following year are due on 1st January, but payment may be deferred until 1st May.
Any club officer may read, complete and submit the form.
Before you complete the return, please check to make sure that your list of members in the database does not contain anyone who has left your club - if it does, please remove them. For help on doing this please see Adding Modifying and Deleting Members.
When it is time to start collecting the club information, Croquet England will trigger the action by setting all club subscriptions as Due. When this has happened, you will see an action for you on the Directory home page under My Admin Organisation. Note this is visible and usable only by club administrators.
To see this and complete your information, please use the following steps:
- Log in to the Croquet England website, and select the Croquet England Directory home page
- In the box My Admin, click on the name of your club, which will show your club's details open at the Members tab
- Review your recorded membership list and remove any non-members
- Click the Actions tab.
- If you do not see the Actions tab then either Croquet England has not yet initiated the process, or someone has already completed the process for the club
- In the Actions tab, you'll see a box entitled Croquet England - Club Annual Return
- Click on the link to Club Fee Return
You now see the form requesting information for the return:
- Tick the box to say you have reviewed your members, otherwise, if your club is not participating in the membership scheme (or is an affiliate club, which cannot do so), tick the alternative
- Complete the questions on the number of members your club has in each category
- CqE asks for the total number of playing members for our statistics, but the club's subscription is based on only those for whom yours is their primary club, so you'll need to enter that too
- You may wonder why this is necessary when CqE is holding data on your members: many clubs have a few members who have not consented to share their data with Croquet England, so this is the only way we can be sure of the totals
- Affiliate and Educational Clubs do not need to state how many Primary members they have, but the form requires you to enter a number, so please enter 0 (zero)
- CqE asks for the total number of playing members for our statistics, but the club's subscription is based on only those for whom yours is their primary club, so you'll need to enter that too
- Select the category for your club (i.e. the category for the next year, which is the basis of the subscription CqE will calculate for you), and then click the Save Form button at the bottom
The form will refresh and show the calculated subscription for your next year. You can modify the information you provided at any time until the form is submitted to Croquet England.
Once you have saved the form again, return to the Actions tab and the box Croquet England - Club Annual Return.
- Click the button Submit Club Return to Croquet England to submit the information - up until this is done you can make modifications.
Please make sure that you submit the form by the end of the year. We will chase clubs for the return, and if necessary send you the old-style paper form to complete and return, but of course all of this costs time and money, so we do appreciate your help in keeping this simple. If we do not get your returns by January, any of your members who are Croquet England Standard Associates will lose their privileges (and will be unable to access the Gazette or enter tournaments) until such time as the process is completed.
Once you have completed the process, you should make your payment by cheque or bank transfer. The payment is due on January 1st, and we recommend you pay as soon as possible, but we allow up until 1st May. Clubs that have not paid by 1st May will cease to be an Affiliate Club until payment is made.