Upload Club Member List
Online Croquet England Directory Help.
Uploading your club member list will create an entry in the online Croquet England Directory for each member not already in it and add them to your club's membership list.
Please read the information and instructions on this page before attempting to produce and upload a club membership
CSV file for the first time. Follow the link for an explanation of what is a
CSV file?
Only people set up as club administrators are permitted to upload their club's data or to modify their members' details online.
You may also find useful general information relating to the Membership Scheme held in the Data Sharing FAQs.
Subsequent CSV File Uploads
Having once uploaded your club members' details in a CSV file, you do not need to do it again. You can easily modify online any club member's details, as well as add and delete members. You can use the online system in place of any separate club membership records.
Once someone's details are online, they can update them independently of any separate records you have, as can administrators of other clubs of which they are a member, and so the online system does not accept changes from an uploaded CSV. Instead, if your uploaded CSV differs from the details online, an email is sent to you asking you to check whether their online details or your records are correct.
A subsequent CSV file upload:
- adds anyone not already included in the club's online list of members
- does not remove membership from those not listed in the new upload - see Removing Someone From Your Membership List
- adds to a club member's record any missing details now supplied (such as their handicap or email address)
- changes their club membership category if different
- does not modify anything else already stored online
- differences trigger an email to you asking you to check their online details (for example, if their handicaps differs between the online record and the uploaded CSV)
- For full details refer to the CSV Data Processing description
Subsequent CSV uploads need not be a complete list of club members, you can upload only the ones you wish to add.
Uploading a Membership List
To upload securely your club's list of members you first must save it as a CSV file.
Once you have a CSV file containing a complete list of all the club's members who agree to share their details with Croquet England:
- On the Croquet England website, navigate through the Subscribers' Area to the Croquet England Directory
- In the box My Club Admin, follow the link
Upload Club Membership CSV
- If you can't see that link then you are not set up as a Club Administrator
- Once on the CSV Upload page:
- Your club is selected automatically and displayed
- If you have permission to administrate more than one club - select the relevant one
- If you get an error saying that you do not have permission, or your club is not displayed, please contact the office
- Tick to confirm you accept the Croquet England Data Sharing Agreement
- Tick to confirm that you have consent from all those in the CSV to share their details with Croquet England
- Select your CSV file by clicking on the Browse button and navigating your local file system
- Add any comments or notes you wish to make about the upload (none are expected or necessary)
- Click Upload
- Your club is selected automatically and displayed
- The website may then respond with one or more messages relating to issues with the format or content of the file
- deal with the issues raised (if any) and perform the upload again if required
- If you get stuck then contact the office
- If no problems are detected you will receive a notification of success, including the number of members uploaded and a view of the data you have uploaded
- That screen has a Map Columns button that enables you to specify which field in the online Croquet England Directory is represented by each column in your upload
- You do not have to do this, but it will help; if not, the Croquet England staff will do it for you and revert if it's not clear to them
That's it! Either way, the upload will be queued for subsequent processing by the Croquet England staff, so don't expect the online Directory to change immediately.
Having uploaded your members' details, use the Review Uploaded Club Members to review it (and revise it, if necessary).
Creating a CSV Export File to Upload
You can download a Blank CSV Template File (MS Excel format), which has all the available column headings - a great starting point if you want to add a new member.
Alternatively, go to your club's listing, and on the Members' tab click to Download Full Members Details (CSV), which contains the full details of each of your recorded members - this is useful if you want the online system to be your club's master list because you can use the downloaded CSV file to drive all your member management processes, including mail merges.
To create a CSV file from your existing membership list stored outside of Croquet England's system, read the explanation of what is a CSV file.
File Contents
You don't need to enter values for every column. Only enter the information that you use within your club plus any that is required by Croquet England (see below). The columns can be in any order.
Your file should contain a line for each person you wish to add to the database as a member of your club and for whom you have permission to do so. You should include new members of your club who are already Croquet England Subscribers and/or members of other clubs. If your membership, or their details, subsequently change, edit them online.
Here's what the file should look like when you save it as a CSV file:
Is Primary Club | Is Junior |
Date of
Title | Forename | Initials | Surname | Address Line 1 | Address Line 2 | Town | County | Postcode | Country |
Tel. Work |
SC Handicap | Visible to Croquet England Subscribers | Visible to Club Members |
Full | Yes | N | Mr | Dave | D J | Kibble | 21 Peg Avenue | The Dingle | Bristol | BS21 2AD |
DaveKibble |
0123 456789 | -1.5 | -2 | Y | Y | |||||||
Country | No | No | Mr | David | D | Harrison-Wood | 37 Peel Road | Shrubston |
G1 7TP |
dh456 |
17964325 | 10 | N | Y | |||||||||
Junior | Yes | Yes | 1/4/2001 | Miss | Phillis | P | Abercon |
1 Hackney Court | 123 Radstock Road | London | N7 0SV |
phillis_abercon |
07556 123456 | phillis_abercon | 8 | 2 | 7 | N | N |
Columns in the CSV File
The fields that the Croquet England Directory system can store are listed below. Whether or not data is required is indicated as follows:
- Essential fields are indicated by bold red text
- If essential data is missing or blank the person will not be imported
- Highly desirable fields are indicated by bold text
- If highly desirable data is missing or blank the person will be imported, but there may be functional implications
- For example, if no email address is provided the person will not be able to log in to the Croquet England website to use the subscriber-only facilities, such as online Tournament Entry or Croquet England Directory
- Optional fields are indicated by normal text
- You can include additional columns in your uploaded CSV, but the data is not stored in the online system
It is best if you send all the data that you hold for each of these fields.
If possible, you should use the column headings specified in the sample above. If you use different column headings, as part of the upload process you will need to say how they map onto the columns required by the database.
The Croquet England Directory allows clubs to do all of their membership administration online and to download the data for paper membership lists, mail merges, etc. Each person recorded in the database has a single set of name, contact and other personal details, but separate records are kept for each subscription to organisations of which they are a member.
Most columns clearly expect text or numeric information. Those with a yes/no value (such as ex-directory) could use the initial letters of or whole words Yes, No, True, False; alternatively, they can use the number 0 (zero) to mean No and any other number to mean Yes.
- Club Membership Type (text) - for example, Full or Country
- Is Primary Club (Yes if the club member is, or wishes to become, a Croquet England Subscriber and this is the main or only croquet club to which they belong. If Yes, they will be added as a Croquet England Standard Subscriber if they are not already recorded as a Croquet England Subscriber. The club is required to count them when calculating its per-capita membership subscription. Set this to No if the person is only to be recorded as a member of the club but not of Croquet England. Default Yes if blank or missing.)
- Is Junior (Whether the club is eligible to pay the young person rate of Per Capita subscription for this person. Assumed not if blank or missing)
- Date of Birth (Essential for young person members; ignored otherwise)
- Title (for example Mr, Mrs, Dr, Ms)
- Forename
- Initials (Forename initial assumed if blank or missing; if specified, all initials should be given)
- Bob Alan Smith's initials are 'RA'
- Surname
- Address Line 1
- Address Line 2
- Address Line 3
- Town
- County
- Postcode
- Country (UK assumed if blank or missing)
- Email Address (highly desirable as it is used for members to log in)
- Some subscriber benefits are only available if the email address is supplied, e.g. online tournament entry, Croquet England Directory access
- Tel. Work
- Tel. Home
- Tel. Mobile
- Skype Address
- AC Handicap (Association Croquet Handicap, e.g. -0.5)
- GC Handicap (Golf Croquet Handicap, e.g. -1)
- SC Handicap (Short Croquet Handicap, e.g. -2 for 2P)
- Has CVD? (Colour Vision Deficiency, no is assumed if blank or missing)
- Visible to Fellow Croquet England Subscribers (If Yes, the person's details will be available to all logged-in Croquet England Subscribers; should be set to No if no consent for this has been received)
- Visible to Fellow Club Members (If Yes, the person's details will be available to members of clubs to which they belong; should be set to No if no consent for this has been received).