Tournament Entry System (TES) Enhancements
Tournament Entry System (TES) Enhancements (V2.8)
Completed items are shown like this.
TES Supports Team Events
- In the Fixtures Calendar, the tick boxes "is Team Event" and "is doubles event" are replaced with a drop-down selection box "Entries Type" that offers a choice of the following: Individual Entry, Doubles (individual entry), Team (individual entry), Club Entry, County Entry, Enter as Team.
- Selecting Individual Entry, Doubles (individual entry), Team (individual entry), behaves throughout as not ticking "is Team Event", otherwise as if ticked.
- Selecting "Doubles (individual entry)" behaves as "is doubles event" ticked.
- When entering a team event, TES has an additional field called "Team Name" with caption "Club (County) for which you are entering" with a drop-down selection of clubs or counties (as appropriate) that must be selected from, or a plain text box for Team (individual entry) or Enter as Team.
- The selection is displayed in entry listings for the tournaments.
- "Team Name" is editable in the tournament entry by the payer or admin (as for example "lunch required").
Download TES Entries as CSV
- CSV containing exactly what is displayed in the TES tournament's entry list table (which includes the team name).
- If tournament admin or person shares details with fellow Croquet England Associates: Add into the CSV the contact email for each person listed.
- Include an acknowledgement click-through before download to remind the downloader to not openly email or otherwise share this personal information
- If tournament admin: Add into the CSV the phone numbers for each person listed.
Inter-Counties App
- Referring to counties overview:
- Eligibility aspect of the app migrated to NMDB (leaving county tournament details with the Fixtures Book in CADBx for now)
- Indicate which counties the viewer has said they are eligible for.
- Look-up and display each county's entry and payment in the online Tournament Entry System (TES)
- Note that the relevant tournament event is linked in the app by admin editing it each year, selecting from options that are a text search for the most recent draft or live event with the right title in the Fixtures Calendar.
- County eligibility declaration extended, e.g.
- Allows admin-edit of any individual's eligibility criteria and to add an individual as eligible for a county
- admin to include team organisers (for their county only).
- Include in eligibility declaration each of the eligibility criteria, stored as a code. Enforced selection of one of the options (even though several might apply). Imported the 'born in county' flag from the current implementation. The eligibility criteria options are:
- 1: Birth self/parent in county
- 2: Residence in county (on Jan. 1)
- 3: Club in county playing-member (2 years+)
- 4: Previous residence in county (3 years+, not educ.)
- 5: Represented county within 3 years.
- Mark/TD to email all marked as eligible but with no criteria asking them to update their criteria and include a link for them to do so; remind them after a week (with a copy to team organiser, who can update for them); remove them a week after that.
- Organiser (and admin) can mark which eligible players are selected for a particular year and display the selections in the overview page (note players are only selectable if eligibility recorded, others would have been removed).
- This is equivalent to the initial "registering interest" with the provisional team. Subsequently with confirmed team.
- Displays who last changed eligibility and selection, and when.
- Added a button to "enter and pay online" - redirecting to TES.
- Selection recorded for the county by year so is reviewable in subsequent years.
- Export to CSV spreadsheet for the event.
- Allows admin-edit of any individual's eligibility criteria and to add an individual as eligible for a county
- Improved access to the app by adding a button next to "Show Tournament Entries" in personal display records.
TES Club Entries to Show Club Contact Instead of Who Paid
Special view accessed by "Inter-Club View" button.
- For a "Club" team event (for use by national Inter-Club event managers), change the entries list:
- Link the TES entry to the relevant club's contact via the clubs' officers label names that match the event name with "contact" appended (e.g. look in an entered club for the label "AC Inter-Club Contact").
- Once only: ensure contact label names are the same across all clubs.
- Change 2021: use shared label feature instead with one label per event defined by Croquet England and clubs able to manage its assignment
- If a match found: display the contact's details instead of the person who entered; if not, show entrant with a warning symbol.
- Link the TES entry to the relevant club's contact via the clubs' officers label names that match the event name with "contact" appended (e.g. look in an entered club for the label "AC Inter-Club Contact").
- Permanent daily check that any club label matching "… Contact" exists in at least five clubs:
- admin warning in hourly check
- user warning on editing the label name
- Prevent changing the name of a team event in the Fixtures Calendar
- error message explaining the linkage to contacts
- making it not a team event, edit, and make team event is allowed.
Migrate TES to SQL-Server
- Increasing usage and increasing error messages on failed database-writes indicate Access is creaking (not fit for multi-user web support).
- Payment integrated into membership payments (linking to tournament entry rather than membership subscription).
- Requires an NMDB object to represent the event entered.
- Will need rework of payments to carry additional information in TES.
- Should be possible to separate tournament entries from detailed Fixtures Calendar with some loss of functionality:
- Fixtures Calendar continues to drive TES, except existing entries come from SQL-Server.
- When confirming a payment, if the event (and tournament) does not exist in SQL-Server, create it (one-line title + date + club for tournament and one-line for event title - adding as much as is needed to drive the list of entries (tournament and event details coming from the extant Fixtures Calendar).
- When saving a change to tournament or event details in the Fixtures Calendar, update any matching SQL-Server entries.
- Daily sync, copying from Fixtures Calendar to SQL-Server (to be sure)
- Remove checks of payment amount not matching the cost of event entry and assume payment is the correct amount for the entry
- This allows changes in the cost of an event after entries have been accepted and paid for
- However, additional payments for the same event cannot be recorded and recording refund of excess paid would count as a withdrawal (this is not a change in operation)
- Levy will be charged on the amount paid, not on the amount that the event costs (though generally, these will be the same).
- Note this supports, for example, people being entered into an event by the Entries Secretary and paying for only one day (when playing for only one day), without having to create a special event, nor tolerating error messages that the price paid does not match the event cost.
- Fully migrate to SQLServer
- Identification of players and officers uses CADBx encrypted ID which must be migrated to DbEntityID and then remove the dependency on a synchronised table copying personal details
Handling Reserves in TES
- Remove reserves from the levy calculation, whether refunded or not, and whether Paid to Croquet England or not
- Promoting a reserve into an event is easy (but could be a one-click button rather than editing reserve list position to zero)
- Auto-number reserves so they always show as 1…n
- Withdraw reserve/entrant regardless of payment status, method, and funds recipient (presently only the TES Administrator can withdraw entries paid online, and the player only if not confirmed paid). Withdrawal will result in an email to the fund's recipient (Croquet England or club Entries Secretary) and a payment record marked as not paid ready for them to edit when paid. Outstanding unpaid payment records are already available in a standard report.
- Reason for withdrawal is specified in a drop-down: Health, Selected to represent Country, Other, Reserve not played, Failed Allocation.
- 'Other' and 'Health' default to admin fee deducted, the others do not.
- Add withdrawal reason "Event Cancelled".
- Support allocation with selection in the list of players and a button that operates on the selected items to allocate place or refund/move to reserve (as they wish).
- Players not allocated a place who did not wish to be on the reserve list are withdrawn and emailed with an explanation and an invitation to join the wait list (once their withdrawal is processed)
- Other players not allocated a place are placed as a reserve and emailed with a link to view the entries
- When withdrawing someone from an event and there is a reserve list, go to that entry to promote them, sending an email to inform them.
- TS can promote a reserve and if it is an unpaid entry give a specified number of days to pay online before entry is auto-removed
Entry Into Full Event after Allocation
- Allow entry onto the reserve list without payment being taken
- entry not auto-deleted by the system until after the event finishes (probably by setting the payment date to the end date of the event
- Note that unpaid online payments are auto-deleted 2 days after their date, following a reminder email with link to complete payment)
- entry not auto-deleted by the system until after the event finishes (probably by setting the payment date to the end date of the event
- After the allocation date:
- Inform the TS of any withdrawals, including when an unpaid entry is auto-deleted
- Count reserves before allowing new entries direct into the event
- If oversubscribed, send reminder email to the Entries Secretary
- After the closing date:
- Block self-withdrawal - players must contact the TS
- TS can withdraw a player and decide if a refund is due, and if not then the payment is treated as a donation to club (no levy)
- maybe needs new withdrawal reason option "No Refund"?
Availability App
- Add selection capability for availability admin (and higher) and display those selected.
- + "show only selected" button.
Under-21s in TES
- Add a tick box "I am under 21 years of Age" - pre-set if NMDB has DoB - visible on a suitable entry screen. It sets a flag associated with the specific tournament entry. Note it is difficult for it to be "under 21 when the tournament starts" since they might be entering more than one tournament and presenting a separate tick box for each tournament is overkill and likely to be missed. An alternative could be "enter your DoB if under 21" and to save that in their personal record - that would only ever need to be completed once. Note that the paper form still has a DoB box
- Those flagged as under 21 should:
- be marked on the entries list for Entries Secretaries (because they are given allocation priority as in the Regulations).
- receive a message at the confirmation screen saying that if they are under 18 they must notify the Entries Secretary to ensure suitable safeguarding.
- If emailed a reminder in the run-up to the tournament, it should include the same message "if under 18…"
For Players and Others
- Two weeks before a tournament, send a reminder email to each entrant with a link to the event details (which should show any special conditions) and a link to their entry asking them to check their lunch request details (if tournament offers lunch).
- Make lunch selection more obvious:
- ? make it a forced choice of yes or no, not defaulted
- Include in the email (above)
Enter for Another
- TES to support anyone entering on behalf of someone else and paying for the entries.
- Ideally multiple entries in a single check-out payment.
- Tournament officials (TS, specific event sec., manager, Director) can enter others (or themselves) into an event as TS, recorded as "paid to club" are we sure we want this? - it's then up to the club to collect the payment. For fixtures organised by Croquet England:
- Do not allow "paid to club" under any circumstances - even complimentary entry recorded as "Paid to Croquet England" (note that there are no constraints on complimentary entries, so there can be several in one tournament)
- Entries can be made and left unpaid for the entrant to log in and pay through TES (pop-up reminder link at login) - Tournament Officials can specify when the entry will be auto-deleted if still unpaid.
List Donor Information
- Allow Entries Secretaries to see who donated their entry fees to the club in order to send them a "thank-you" email.