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Croquet England Logo

Fixtures Calendar Help

You can customise your view of the Fixtures Calendar to make it easier to use.

Tournament entry forms can be downloaded from the downloads section.

For Entries Secretaries and Directors

During the Fixtures Calendar production period, Entries Secretaries and Directors can edit fixtures for which they are responsible. Watch the short videos to save a thousand words:

Fixture Secretaries can use the main menu TES or Fixtures Calendar option My Admin Fixtures to see the fixtures for which they are responsible or manager.

To assist planning during calendar production, when viewing the details of a fixture, there's an unfoldable block (twistie) Clashes with... that shows all fixtures in the current calendar that overlap with the fixture being viewed.

See also the Fixtures Calendar preparation stages or Publication Lifecycle.

Online Entries

See the TES guide for details of managing and viewing entries to your events.

Icons Used

View fixture details View fixture details
Enter and pay online (if TES listed) Enter and pay online (if TES listed)
Viewer has a TES entry for this fixture Viewer has a TES entry for this fixture
Register availability Register availability
View entries into the fixture (if TES listed) View entries into the fixture (if TES listed)
add to diary Add fixture to your diary manager

Event Types Key and Abbreviations Used

Association and Golf Croquet CHAMPIONSHIPS are shown in capitals - C1, C2 or C3 shows the Championship Grade for relevant fixtures.
Fixtures organised by Croquet England are shown in bold type.
Association Croquet handicap restrictions are indicated thus:
  • H:1+ means AC handicaps of 1 or higher
  • H:10- means AC handicaps of 10 or lower
  • H:2-9 means AC handicaps from 2 to 9 inclusive
Golf Croquet handicap restrictions are indicated thus:
  • G:1+ means GC handicaps of 1 or higher
  • G:10- means GC handicaps of 10 or lower
  • G:2-9 means GC handicaps from 2 to 9 inclusive
Age limits are indicated thus: 50+ means age 50 or over.
The number of working days (wd) each fixture occupies is shown in the comments column.
Event Type Abbreviations
14A 14-Point Advanced
14H 14-Point Handicap
14HD 14-Point Handicap Doubles
A Level Advanced AC
AC Association Croquet
AD Level Advanced AC Doubles
AMD As Manager Decides / At Manager's Discretion
As Super-Advanced AC
Asa Level Advanced/Super-Advanced AC
AsaD Level Advanced/Super-Advanced AC Doubles
ASD Level Advanced AC Singles and Doubles
CA AC Coaching
CG GC Coaching
CGS Croquet Grading System (GC rankings)
CO Other Coaching
CQC Coaches' Qualification Course
CRA AC Referee Course
CRG GC Referee Course
CTC Coaches' Training Course
CW Coaching Workshop (non-CA Coach)
E Depends on entry (AC)
ev (Number of) events in a tournament [only if > 1]
G GC (Level)
GC Golf Croquet
GCA Advantage GC
GCAD Advantage GC Doubles
GCASD Advantage GC Singles and Doubles
GCH Extra Stroke GC
GCHD Extra Stroke GC Doubles
GCHSD Extra Stroke GC Singles and Doubles
GD GC Doubles (Level)
GM GC Mixed (Level and Handicap)
GSD GC Singles and Doubles (Level)
H Handicap AC
Ha Handicap Advanced AC
HaD Handicap Advanced AC Doubles
HD Handicap AC Doubles
HSD Handicap AC Singles and Doubles
L Level Ordinary Play AC
L&A Level and Advanced Play
MS Mixed AC (Level and Handicap) Singles
MSD Mixed AC (Level and Handicap) Singles and Doubles
MSDG Mixed AC (L & H) Singles & Dbls + GC (Lvl) Singles
MSG Mixed AC (L & H'cap) Singles + GC (Level) Singles
O One-Ball Advanced
Oh One-Ball Handicap
OM One-Ball Mixed (Level and Handicap)
SAC Short Croquet (AC) Handicap
TBA To Be Arranged / To Be Advised
TBD To Be Decided
TES CA's Online Tournament Entry System
V Various
wd (Number of) working days spanned by a tournament

Fixture Dates

For the best chance of success, entries should be made on or before the Allocation Deadline. Between then and the Closing Date, entries are accepted but if the event is full they are added to the end of the reserve list in order of receipt. After the Closing Date, entries might be accepted by the fixtures administrator - refer to TES.

For full details, refer to the Tournament Regulations, section C2 Tournament Programme and section C3 Procedures for Dealing with Entries.

Date Meaning
Allocation Deadline Entries must be received on or before this date to be eligible for the initial allocation of places; where no date is shown it has not been specified by the organiser and entries are accepted in order of receipt. If a maximum number of places is specified and the event is full, TES entries after this date are placed at the end of the reserve list. For selection events: the day before selection announcement - if In TES, payment system opens 6 days before (in case of early selection).
Allocation The day after the Allocation Deadline: organiser determines whose entries to accept on (or soon after) this date. For selection events: selection announcement - if In TES, payment system opens 7 days before (in case of early selection).
Closing Entries might not be accepted after this date; where no date is shown it has not been specified by the organiser. TES will not accept entries from players after this date (except for selection events). For selection events: availability registration closes.
Draw The date who-plays-whom in the tournament is published (usually only for championships). For selection events: payment due date - re-selection for non-payers.

Customising Your Fixtures Calendar Listing

Click a club name to view only fixtures at that club, or search to list fixtures whose title or conditions contain the text you want. To plan your season, use the display options described below to show only the fixtures you select.

In the full Fixtures Calendar listing (if logged in), you can save a browser bookmark that will return you to your customised list of selected fixtures for further selection or later use. When you have selected your fixtures, you can print the page or use one of the buttons at the bottom to enter them (separating online, postal and availability entries) or import them into your electronic diary.

Horizontal lines delineate each week based on the fixture start date. Fixtures spanning more than one week are listed only once.

Click a button in 'Highlight Series' to make prominent all matching fixtures (refresh the page to clear).

During Fixtures Calendar production, draft fixtures are displayed along with a colour code showing their state of readiness - refer to the Calendar Publication Lifecycle for details.

Display Options

Click display options at the top of the full Fixtures Calendar listing to show the options. Note that some options and features are available only to logged-in members, and some only in the full calendar listing (not in TES):

Making Your Selections

Download Into Your Diary: How to Use an iCal File

Download and save the iCal file from the Fixtures Calendar listing.

Microsoft Outlook

On a PC, Microsoft Outlook automatically opens the file when you download it, but that will create a new calendar - you need to import it into your calendar as follows:

  1. In Outlook, select File > Open & Export > Import/Export
  2. In Import and Export Wizard box, select Import an iCalendar (.ics) or vCalendar file (.vcs), and then Next
  3. Select the calendar file from your PC and select OK
  4. Select Open as New

Google Calendar

  1. In Google Calendar, select Settings
  2. Choose Import and export
  3. Choose the file you downloaded above, choose the calendar you want to add it to and click Import

After a few seconds, Google should tell you it Successfully imported <number> events.

Allocation Method

This is a free-text field to make clear to entrants how places will be allocated. The Tournament Regulations will define the details for the most common methods and a link will be added here once the 2025 Regulations are ready. Meanwhile, some recommended examples are as follows:

Championship and Series events must specify 'By highest current Dynamic Grade'.