The Croquet Association Golf Croquet Open Doubles Championship
The event was sponsored by Bellingham Wines.
Each round was a single 13 point game except that wins had to
be by two clear points. If score were level at 6-6, play continued
on the 19 point route until one side had a clear lead of two points. Should
the scores reach 9-9, the game was decided on the 19th 'Golden' hoop.
Bamford & Mulliner
Bamford & Mulliner 7-1
Bamford & Mulliner 7-5
Sheen & Sheen 7-5
Moore & Ms Curry
Canavan & Mortell
Mrs Old & Ms Blake
Hess & Kirsten 7-2
Hess & Kirsten
Payne & Eatough
Ware & Edwards 7-5
Sheen & Sheen 7-4
Ware & Edwards
Tomes & van Noord
Sheen & Sheen 7-2
Sheen & Sheen
Batchelor & Reyland
Hopkins & Millson 7-4
Moore & Ms Curry 7-5
Moore & Ms Curry
Hopkins & Millson
Moore & Ms Curry
Moore & Ms Curry 9-7
Murrow & Bulloch
Prevettoni & de Petra
Arliss & Old 10-8
Arliss & Old 7-5
Arliss & Old
Gaitley & Mrs Gaitley
Mehas & Abdelwahab 7-3
Mehas & Abdelwahab