World Championship 2005

The Mitsubishi Motors 2005 World Croquet Championship took place 6th-14th August 2005 in Cheltenham (for the first time), with Bristol, Edgbaston and Nailsea hosting some of the block stage and plate games.

David Maugham, court-side during the Final (Picture: David Kibble)Match Reports

David Maugham, wrote a blow-by-blow account of the final stages of the tournament, from quarter final stage onwards.  These were posted to this web-site as a live-update for those unable to be at Cheltenham.  The quarter-final reports became the most accessed page on the CA Website. Active for only a day, it received almost 15,000 hits, from a total of 450 people.

These "live-updates" have been archived here.

Final Knockout Results

First Round Second Round Quarter-finals Semi-finals Final Winner
David Maugham David Maugham
+21 +17tp
James Death
+26tp -26tp +26tp
James Death
10tpo, -12otp, +11tpo, +17
Robert Fulford
+24tp +26tp +5otp
Reg Bamford
+ 17tp +26sxp +17sxp
Simon Williams
James Death James Death
+15 +15tp
Rutger Beijderwellen
Matthew Burrow Matthew Burrow
+5 +26
Aaron Westerby
+17tp +26tp
Jeff Dawson
Leslie Watson Aaron Westerby
+8 -17 +2
Aaron Westerby
Keith Aiton Keith Aiton
-26 +26tp +26tp
Keith Aiton
+16 +4
Robert Fulford
+26tp, +5tp, +3tp
Mike Jenner
Peter Landrebe Ed Duckworth
+24tp +26tp
Ed Duckworth
John Gibbons John Gibbons
+26tp +17tp
Robert Fulford
+5tp +14
Paddy Chapman
Andrew Johnston Robert Fulford
+17tp +10tpo
Robert Fulford
Reg Bamford Reg Bamford
+23 +26
Reg Bamford
+5qp +17tp
Reg Bamford
-15, +26, +26, +26tp
Reg Bamford
+26sxp +5tp +26qp
Ian Lines
Mark McInerney David Goacher
+9 +21
David Goacher
Trevor Bassett Marcus Evans
+17 +17
Marcus Evans
-16tp, +9, +26tp
Marcus Evans
Kevin Beard Mark Avery
+26tp +17tp
Mark Avery
Ronan McInerney Ronan McInerney
+14otp +17
Jonathan Kirby
+16 +20
Jonathan Kirby
+10, +12tp, -14, +25
Robin Brown
Jerry Stark Jonathan Kirby
+23 +2
Jonathan Kirby
Ian Dumergue Ian Dumergue
-7 +7 +1
Ken Bald
-15 +15tp +22
David Openshaw
Ken Bald Ken Bald
-16 +16tp +17tp
Chris Clarke

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