2005 World Championship Final

14 August 2005 - David Maugham

Time Fulford v Bamford

Lawn 8

09:32 Morning all.

According to the weather report there's some chance of showers this morning, but at the moment it's dry but overcast, there are occasional flashes of blue poking through the clouds.

The hoops are in new holes, but the lawn will be significantly slower than earlier in the week. I've just done a Geoffrey Boycott and stuck my car key in, it went in fairly easy so I doubt there'll be too much trouble for the players.

09:50 Rob and Reg have finished their face-off for Trans World Sport, and have started their practice
09:57 A bit more blue sky is showing through now, so that's hopeful. The hoops don't seem to be troubling the players in practice.
10:00 Practice is over and Phil is introducing the finalists.
10:01 Reg won the toss and is going in with K. It's a supershot to about 2 yards S and a couple of ft W of the peg.
10:03 Rob's put Y about a ft out of II
10:03 Reg has missed leaving Rob a double with about an inch between the balls
10:04 Rob hit Y, and rushed U out into the middle.
10:06 He couldn't get it to 2, so it's about 7 yards in front of the hoop. He's rushed well to 1 and has a 9" hoop, which he's run, but didn't get a forward rush
10:09 He's rushed U to II, then stopped it along the N boundary a couple of yards getting a rush on Y
10:10 He's rushed to 2 and put Y deep, and run the hoop to the boundary
10:10 He's hit the 4 yarder at U and put it to about 4 yards behind 3. He didn't get much of a rush on R so just roqueted it, put it to 2 yards from 4 and got a rush on K.
10:12 Rob made 3 by about 4 yards so hit U, stopped it to about 3 yards E of the peg and rushed K down to near Y. He's put it to 5 and rushed to 4
10:14 He's made 4 and rushed to the middle. There's no evidence of anything clever going on, as he's just put Y to 6 and taken off from U to K at 5.
10:15 Rob's made 5 and put K to 1-b. U is now 3 yards NW of the peg after his take-off to Y at 6
10:16 6 was made without trouble and Y is now at 2-b. Rob rushed U down to K and stopped it back towards the middle. He's now making 1-b
10:18 Rob has put K to just E of the peg and U has gone to 3-b. Having just made 2-b Rob has just rushed Y to next to K, and got K a bit closer to the spread position by the peg
10:20 Rob ended up a little further from the U than he would have liked, but dribbled it off and has just made 3-b with a forward rush
10:21 Well despite what I said about the pace of the lawn, Rob has just proved me wrong by putting U off the WB whilst making his spread.
10:23 Reg has hit Y gently with his "finger" lift, and made sure of getting a good rush to 1 at the expense of having a good ball at 2.
10:24 Reg failed to get a forward rush out of 1, but played a good half roll and got a rush on Y to U on the WB, getting R to 3 yards WSW of 3
10:27 Reg has rushed U to 2.

Initially estimates of the crowd are in the region of 140 and still growing.

10:29 Reg made 2, rushed back to Y, and rushed that out to R. Y is now 4 yards in front of 4, U is 2 yards off the WB and Reg has just made 3 with no rush.
10:31 Reg has rolled R to a couple of yards behind 5 and got a rush on U.
10:32 U has gone as a better pioneer at 5, and Reg has slightly under-rushed to 4, but it's not going to be a problem as he's put Y deep.
10:33 K hit Y after it ran the hoop so Reg has put out a good hoop 6 pioneer from the SB getting a rush on R back to U
10:35 R has gone to 2 yards E of 1 so I guess we're looking at a 1-b leave. Yep, U's over there now too after 5.
10:37 Reg has made 6 and rushed Y back to about 3 yards W of 1.
10:38 Y has gone to about 2 yards NW of 1, and Reg is croqueting R to the wired symmetrical shot
10:39 He's not happy with it (I think it went too far). and Reg has rushed U to 1-b and has just made the hoop
10:41 U is now by the peg and Y is going to 3-b
10:41 Reg has rushed R into the back of 2-b and just looked at taking off through the back of the hoop for a fraction of a second, before approaching conventionally from the side (the W). He's only just made the hoop.
10:43 Reg rolled R & K to U at the peg, and took off to Y at 3-b
10:45 Reg has made 3-b and rushed Y towards R. He's put it about 3 yards from the WB and not played a good rush n R to the wired spot.
10:46 He's croqueted it well to the wired spot and has laid up about 3 yards S of the peg on the EB
10:48 Rob is shooting at R with Y from the end of A baulk and has just missed it.
10:51 Reg has rushed K to the middle and stopped it to about 3 yards from 2, getting a rush on R to 1.
10:52 1 was made with a forward rush, and R is now at 3, Reg has rolled out Y to about 3 yards SW of 3 and got a rush on K

On lawn 1 Paddy Chapman has won the Draw final of the Plate

10:55 Reg has made 2 and go K in about 4ft peeling position, however he has just hit 3 with Y trying to rush it to the SB. He's now croqueting from level with the hoop on the EB
10:57 Y is now only about peg high and slightly to the W of the line of 3 and 4. Reg has just approached 3.
10:58 Reg has made 3 and rushed peelee to about a foot away from the hoop. He's peeled it and rushed R to 2 yards N of Y
10:59 R is now 1ft NE of 5 and Y was rushed a couple of feet S of the hoop. An easy backward takeoff and Reg has rushed Y up to the N boundary near III after the hoop
11:01 Reg has put Y to about 2 yd S of 6 and rushed K about 1 yd N of it. He taken off to R and is about to approach 5 from a yard straight
11:04 He's made 5 with a forward rush and put R to 1-b going to Y which he rushed N of K. Y has gone 2 yards to the side of 6 and K is in peeling position.
11:06 Reg has peeled K by about 8 yards and rushed Y back N of R. It has now gone to 3 yards NNE of 2-b
11:07 Reg has made 1-b and rushed to 5 yards N of K.
11:08 R is a little deep, maybe 2 yards S of 3-b, but Reg got a good rush on K and is now attempting a 2ft peel going to Y
11:09 The peel attempt hit the hoop and is about half an inch in front. It looks rush peelable, but I'm perpendicular, so I can't really tell. Reg has just made 2-b with a backwards rush
11:11 Reg has put Y about 4 yards S of 4-b and rush peeled K to the boundary. He's now stopped it to between 3 and 4 and rushed R to 3-b
11:13 Reg has made 3-b and put R to penult, rushed K up the lawn and put that to penult as well. He's rushed Y to 4-b and ran it to the boundary
11:15 Y has gone to rover and R is by the peg. Reg is about to make penult.
11:18 Reg has made penult and rover easily and just pegged out in the first. +17tp (1-0)
11:19 Rob has gone in in the second and put out a supershot to 4 yards NW of 5.
11:20 Reg has replied with a peg high ball on the EB.
11:21 Rob shot at R with U from a couple of yards outside III. He missed on the left, coming back on about 5 yards S of R. Reg shot at his double and hit R rushing it a couple of yards closer to U
11:23 Reg got rush on U to K, but rushed it a little close and can only put it 5 yards up the lawn. He's just rushed to 1

The suns come out and it's warming up a bit.

11:25 Reg rushed into the back of 1 so had an easy approach, although he rushed it too far after the hoop and the hoop 3 pioneer is about 5 yards SW of the hoop. He's rushed well to 2.
11:26 He's made 2 and rushed U to a ft from R

The crowd's now around 250

11:28 U is in the lawn a couple of yards, level with 5, and R was rushed to next to K. However R has rushed a little short.
11:29 Reg approached the hoop well, and has now finally got a good pioneer, at 5. he's rushed R to the EB near U and got a rush to 4
11:30 He's overhit this one by 4 or 5 feet, and is now taking a quick drink and taking a sweater off.
11:32 Reg has taken off to the hoop and run it, getting a rush back to R just N of 5
11:33 R has gone to 2-b. So let's see whether he manages this 1-b leave.
11:35 K is now 2 yards ESE of 1 with R just N of it. Reg is about to make 6
11:35 Reg has made 6 and rushed to 3 yards W of 1. He's croqueted U to 3 yards W and 4ft N of 1. K is going to a wired spot about the same distance from the hoop.
11:37 Reg had a hard look at the cross wire, but seems happy with it as he has now rushed to III
11:38 R is in III and Y is 3 yards away just off the S boundary
11:40 Rob is taking on his tea lady with K. He's just missed R
11:41 Reg has put K out to 3, but not quite rushed Y to in front of 1-b
11:43 He's made 1 and got rush pointing at 3.
11:45 Reg has got U at 3 and rushed K to Y at 2. He's made 2 with peelee in position and K 3 yards SE of the hoop
11:47 He's peeled Y by about 12 yards, and is about to put K to 2-b. It's gone about 4 ft N and slightly E of the hoop
11:50 Reg's made 3 and got U 4 yards ESE of 2-b. He's rushed U to 2-b and got it in the jaws, and rushed to a yard to the side of 4.
11:52 Having made the hoop, too far to rush K east, Reg has just tapped it an played his big split. R is fine, but K has gone about a foot past 6. He's now peeled Y to the boundary

Paddy Chapman has just won the Process final to take the Plate

11:54 Y has gone about a yard to the E of 3-b and Reg has made 5 and played a good cut to rush U the SB behind 4
11:56 Reg has put U to about 3 yards E of 1-b but R has gone a touch far, and he doesn't have a good rush to peeling position. He's rushed Y to about 5 ft straight and peeled it well.
11:58 Y has gone through 3-b to level with 6 and R was only a yard from K. Reg is now making 6.
11:59 Having made 6, Reg has put K to about 4ft to the side of 4-b and attempted a 4ft take off peel going to U
12:01 The peel hit the RH wire and is a couple of inches in front, possibly rush peelable. Reg has just made 1-b, but got a lot of wire and now has a forward rush when he didn't need one...
12:02 Reg has willocked U to about 4 yards W of 3-b. He's taken off and it's now 2 yards in front. He was a little short on the take off and has not managed the rush peel. It's bounced out unpeelable, so he's just taking-off to get a rush on K
12:05 Reg has approached 2-b putting K deep and has a rush back NE, which he has taken to between 4-b and penult
12:07 Reg has taken off with the intention of rush peeling 4-b, from a foot. He's done it, and we're treated to the sight of Reg fisting.
12:08 Reg was a little wharrad with his pass roll putting Y towards penult and had to approach 3-b from about 3 yards. He's run the hoop a little far, but can still rush to peg high.
12:10 U is now 5 ft S of penult ad Reg has rushed Y to 4 ft at a slight angle. He's peeled it to a ft from the peg and got a rush on K
12:12 Reg approached putting K behind the hoop and has just hit it in the hoop stroke
12:13 Reg has rolled K to about 3 yards E and 1 yd S of the peg and has opted to rush Y south. He's overhit it slightly and has tried to play an 80 degree split, Y is about a yard to the side of the hoop
12:15 He went down the hill a touch and had to approach from 4 ft, but dealt with it and now has U a yard E of rove, and is taking croquet 2 yards WNW of Y
12:16 He's put K deep and rushed Y to about 18" at a slight angle
12:17 He's played the peel with a stop shot, and jawsed it. He has jumped clean over the peelee but not rushed K far enough for a cannon, so has got a good rush on U to cannoning position
12:19 There's a bit of rain coming down now and Reg hasn't played the cannon yet
12:21 The cannon has worked well, Y is through by a couple of ft and R is well past it. The only issue is the U has bounced off slightly into the way of the rush.
12:23 Reg's rushed a little further away from the peg than he'd like, so he's taking a bit of care over his 4 yd peg out He's hit it. +26sxp (2-0)
12:24 The players are having lunch and expect to restart about 1pm. The rain seems to have died off a bit now as well.
13:02 Reg has put U out as a supershot, about 4 yards N and 1 yard W of 5. Rob replied with R 4 yards N and 1 yd E of 5
13:05 Reg dribbled at R from I but missed. Rob waltered off the double from in front of 1 at R & K and took on the straight 14 yarder at U. He had to restalk after the developing nations plate final was won by Anton Varnas, to a round of applause. He's hit it.
13:07 He took off from U and got a rush on K to R and rushed that to 1. He made 1 and put R to 3, and used K to get a rush to 2
13:09 He's made 2 and put U to about 4 yards in front of 4. K went behind 3 and he's made 3 off R
13:10 R has gone to a yard behind 5, and K has been croqueted to a couple of ft W of 1. Rob's rushed to 4
13:11 Rob's made 4 with a rush to level with 1 on the WB. He's tried to rush K to peeling position., but had to take off to R at 5. He's rushed it to WTD position
13:13 He approached to a couple of feet at an angle and clubbed through, hitting R as he went past. He's taken off from R about 4 yards NW of 5, a little long on K
13:14 He's rushed K out to he side and rolled it down to about 4 ft S of 1-b. He's made 6 with a rush pointing SE, which he has taken to 4 yd NE of 5
13:16 U has gone to a foot from 2-b and R has been rushed to 2 yards W of the peg. Rob's now taken off to K
13:17 Rob's made 1-b and rushed to a couple of yards N of R. K has gone to 4ft W and slightly N of 3-b. R was rushed to U and is now back to the peg
13:18 He's made 2-b, rushed U to R and croqueted it to a couple of inches from the peg on the spread line.
13:19 Rob's rushed R to S of K and put it back to 3 yards from the peg. He's just making 3-b
13:20 He's made 3-b and kept K on the lawn this time, Just getting a rush back to the EB on R
13:22 He's laying up about 2 yards N of 5 on the EB. All the balls in a straight line.
13:23 Reg has lifted K and taken it to A-baulk
13:24 He's taken the short lift at R and hit it, rushing it about 4 yards up the boundary
13:25 Reg's rolled R to about 3 yards in front of 4, and rushed Y to U. Once again he's rushed a little close and got a good rush to 1, with a poor hoop 2 pioneer
13:26 He's made 1 with no rush, and has split U to a yard behind 3 getting a cut rush on R towards Y.
13:28 He's overhit his 5 yd take-off a little and has a cut rush to 2. He's rushed it well.
13:29 He's made 2 and rushed back to a couple of yards W of R. Y has gone to a yard in front of 4
13:30 R was rushed to near U, which Reg made 3 off. He's put U to between 6 & peg and rushed R to Y.
13:31 R is 4ft SE of 5, and Reg has just made 5 with a rush back to near the peg.
13:33 The peg was slightly in the way of putting Y to 6, and that seems to have put Reg off slightly as he has chisted off U.
13:34 He's rolled U to next to 1,and has made 5 with a rush back there too.
13:34 Reg has put R about 4 yards SW of 1, and U to the W too, so it looks like he's trying to make Rob's shot longer with the hoop 1 ball in this game.
13:36 Reg has made 6 and rushed Y back to a couple of yards out of I on the WB
13:37 Y is well NE of 1, about 4 yards from it, and R is a similar distance the other side, perhaps a touch closer
13:38 U is in III and K is about 3 yards away just off the NB
13:41 Rob's taking his time over this, I think he's considering running the hoop. But he's turned it down and missed the tea lady.
13:45 Reg just had a little break. He's put R to 3 and not rushed into peeling position. He's taken off down a poor line and has a bit of a long cut to 1
13:47 He cut it to a couple of feet to the side, and has just run 1 by three yards to avoid getting a forward rush
13:48 He's played a pass split putting Y to 3 yards SE of 2 going to R. R is now 1 yd behind 3, and Reg has rushed K to a yard SSW of 2.
13:49 K was 2 ft behind the hoop, and he has ran the hoop past it. He's now rushed it to about 4" in front of 1-b.
13:51 He's peeled K by 15 yards, but was too close to get an easterly rush on Y, so he's rushed it back to about a yard in front of 2 to play his split.
13:52 Y has gone to about 3 yards N and slightly E of 2-b, and U has a rush on R. Reg's rushed it into the back of the LH wire and has to play a backward take-off. he's made the hoop by a couple of yards
13:54 Reg's rushed R to the N boundary in front of 3, and has slightly over-rolled, putting R about 2 yards W of 5 and going too far to rush K to 2-b
13:56 I think he's had a go at getting K in the jaws, but it looks like it's in front of the RH wire.
13:57 He's rushed to a yard NW of 4 and approached and ran it getting a rush W
13:58 He's rushed Y to 3 yards in front of 1, and has put it to 6, getting a rush on K. Apparently it wasn't in front of a wire, as he's just rush peeled it from about an inch in front.
14:00 K has gone to about 4ft S and slightly W of 3-b. Reg has rushed to 4" directly behind 5. Y is about 4 yards in front of 6.
14:02 He's played a hoop and rush, and got R about level with the peg.
14:03 Reg has taken off to K, and rushed it to about a yard slightly angled. He's peeled it, and got about a 2 yarder on Y
14:04 U has ran 6 with a rush back to K, which was only peeled by about 18"
14:06 Y was rushed to the SB in front of 3-b, and has now gone to about 32 yards SW of 4-b
14:07 Reg's rushed K close to R and only been able to put it 4 yards closer to 4-b. He's rushed to and made 1-b
14:08 Reg has tried to roll R to next to 4-b, but hit the wire and it has bounced to 6" in front of the hoop. Reg has rushed K to about 2 ft E of R and is going to cannon R out whilst getting a rush on Y to 2-b
14:10 He's managed it, and avoided all the extra complications of hitting the other balls or getting hilditched.
14:11 Reg approached 2-b from about 3 yards and ran it to the boundary getting a rush back to peg high between 3 & 4
14:12 Y has gone to a standard box position and U has rushed K to 1ft straight in front of 4-b. Reg's peeled K by 4 feet
14:14 And he's rushed R to 4 ft from 3-b.
14:14 He had a slight angle on the hoop, so bullyed through by 5 yards, and is about to play a roll from next to the hoop
14:15 R is about a foot directly W of penult and U has a rush pointing N. He's rushed it to the end of B-baulk
14:16 A good roll has put peelee 6" in front of penult and got a rush to 4-b. The rush has gone 4 ft in front of the hoop.
14:18 Reg put Y deep and ran the hoop to the boundary. After rushing Y to 3 yards E of penult, he's put it 2 yards SSE of the peg and hit R
14:19 Reg has rushed K to almost in the hoop but then it rolled back to 4" in front of penult
14:20 An irish peel has got K to 3 yards past the peg.
14:21 Reg is rolling R to level with rover from level with penult, going slightly S of Y, which he has clubbed 4 yards NW of K
14:22 Y has gone deep and U has a 2 ft slightly angled rush on K. He's rushed it to a yard in front of the hoop
14:23 Reg's lining up the peel...
14:23 It's been peeled by an inch, and for the first time in the match a referee has been called on to see whether U hits K in the hoop stroke.
14:24 U cleared K easily and just needs to cannon it out from behind the hoop
14:26 He's hit Y and got a rush on R to near K. He'll be cannoning K out with R and trying to get a rush in the same stroke.
14:27 He's done it well enough. An easy rush to the peg and Reg has a 4ft peg out.
14:28 He's done it. Reg is World Champion again. +17sxp (3-0)