Time |
Commentary |
09:50 |
Good morning from a sunny Cheltenham. I will be
trying to give regular updates and game details of
today's matches, but I'll start by setting the scene
After yesterday's overcast weather with easier lawns, we
had a very small amount of moisture overnight and have
bright sunshine this morning. Conditions on some lawns
should become tricky by midday. There are only six lawns
being used for today's eight matches, so we have two late
starts, Maugham vs. Death, and Evans vs. Avery
The six lawns vary substantially, so here's a run through
of who's where
Lawn 9: easiest lawn. Burrow vs. Westerby. This is flat,
one paced and without fast patches. Yesterday it had
three matches finish on it before one finished on lawn 4.
Delayed TPs are fairly straightforward
Lawn 10: 2nd easiest. Bamford vs. Goacher. Similar to 9,
but there is some speed around hoop 1
Lawn 11: 3rd easiest. Ronan McInerney vs. Kirby. A few
quicker patches and slightly firmer hoops than 9 and 10
Lawn 8: 4th easiest. Gibbons vs. Fulford. A few hills and
a couple of faster bits around 3 and 6. Delayed TPs will
be very difficult this afternoon
Lawn 7: 5th easiest. Aiton vs. Duckworth. Several faster
areas. Can be tricky to pick up breaks and do standard
Lawn 1: 6th easiest. Dumergue vs. Bald. Several fast
areas. Substantial hills at 3 and 6 and elsewhere.
Bamford didn't do any peels on it yesterday. Fancy Ian
and Ken taking several hours
Other key info is that this is the last day before the
hoops go in new holes, so they are at their easiest today.
Additionally, it will be best of five tomorrow, so this
should be the last day of potential big upsets
I think the best two matches will be in the bottom
quarter between McInerney and Kirby and Ian and Ken.
Well, it's almost start time
10:25 |
I'll concentrate on Westerby vs Burrow since this
should finish quickly and give updates on the other games.
Hasn't started yet.
Fulford plays supershot and misses Gibbons on East
boundary 16y N of C4 3rd turn, finishing leve with hoop 4.
Gibbons misses double. Fulford going round 4th turn.
Manford plays supeshot and
hits Goacher on East boundary 15y N of C4 3rd turn. Is going round.
Yesterday he stopped at 3-back 3rd turn despite the lawn being too
difficult for him to try any peels. Easier lawn today so expect a quad.
10.12 and Burrow still getting a glass
of water.
10.14 and Burrow is changing his shirt
10.15 Burrow K 8y N of C4
R 11-yard duffer
U hits K from A, rolls K towards hoop 2, getting a rush
West on R which he takes to middle of West boundary.
Takes-off to 2 feet in front of 1 and runs it by 10 yards
to 2 yards from red to obtain first break
Duckworth has first break against Aiton
Dumergue first chance against Bald
Kirby first break against McInerney
Fulford on 4-b having popped Gibbons to 3 with
defensive leave Bamford on 3-b with spread
10:50 |
Bald had failed hoop 3 against Dumergue
Goacher hit the lift
Duckworth failed at 1-back
Gibbons hits lift at partner near C4 and is now faced
with a take-off to C2 where Fulford has a tight rush.
Aiton has a break
Kirby on 4-back with NSL
McInerney misses long lift with hoop 4 ball
Burrow on 4-back with good leave (3rd turn). Spread
Aiton on 4-back with DS. Duckworth misses long lift
Westerby takes very aggressive shortest shot (15y) at
ball near W boundary between 2 and 6 and hits. Easiest
lawn - completely justified
Gibbons mis-approaches hoop 2 and lays up. Fulford misses
from 3 to 4
Dumergue on 4-back. Bald hits lift centre ball with hoop
1 ball rushing it to C4 and is now faced with a take-off
to C2 where Ian has a 3-yard join. Falls to get rush to 1
and has a leave
11:20 |
Westerby went to 4-back 4th turn and Burrow missed
the long lift.
Gibbons went to 4-back with his hoop1 ball and made a DS
laying up just south of hoop 4. Fulford missed the short
Goacher went to 4-back and Bamford missed the lift.
Kirby stuck in hoop 6 with his second ball.
Aiton missed a hampered shot after 3-back with 1 peel
done of his delayed TP
Bald failed at 6 and Dumergue is now 1 and 4-back with
the innings against 3 and 6. Ken hits in to regain the
innings with his hoop 6 ball
Westerby is on a standard TP to win 17TP 6th turn, but
only at hoop 3 so far
Gibbons has break with second ball
Goacher has a half break with second ball
Duckworth failed to capitalise on Aiton's error and Keith
is back in.
McInerney is making an MSL with first ball against 6 and
11:50 |
Westerby is on 1-back with 2 peels done.
McInerney opted for a reverse NSL
Goacher is now on hoop 6 still without a proper break
Gibbons is on 4-back with no peels done
Aiton is on rover and peg with a DS vs. 1 and 2-back.
Dumergue has the innings again and is making a leave
Dumergue lays up near hoop 1 with rush to hoop 1 with
Kens ball at 2 and 3 but close to the boundaries. Ken
plays ball at 2 to C4. Ian misses 2-yard rush to hoop 1.
Ken misses from 3 to C4 leaving perfect 16-yard double
for Ian's hoop 1 ball with a ball at hoop1. Ian hits
Duckworth hits lift and has break with hoop 1 ball
Westerby finishes +17TP sixth turn
Kirby misses long lift into C2 leaving ball on hoop 2.
Gibbons on 4-back and peg. Fulford's 4-back ball in C2,
his hoop 1 ball 7 yards N of hoop 1. Gibbons on maximum
distance spot on East boundary with a rush to hoop 1 ball
(near perfect double). Fulford hits boundary ball in
middle from where it lies
Goacher is now for 2-back and has a 4-ball break.
Westerby lays supershot ball. Burrow goes just out of C2.
Westerby hits, has angled hoop 1 which he successfully
jumps - should go round, but will need to rush to hoop 2
Dumergue has break with backward ball against 3 and 1-back.
Kirby has innings
12:10 |
Fulford makes no hoops from hit lift. Lays up tight
in C2 with rush to C4
Gibbons 4-back ball near C1 and peg ball in middle of
east boundary. Gibbons corners to C3 with 4-back ball.
Fulford rushes to 3-yards south of peg ball. Stops
partner 6-yards into lawn, getting a rush to C3. Rushes 7
feet out of C3 on N boundary and takes-off short failing
to get a rush. Croquets 4-back ball to hoop 1 and leaves
a 3-yard rush west on partner. Gibbons moves 4-back to C4.
Fulford makes 1, fails to rush to C4 and lays up tight
near C2. Gibbons moves ball just out of C3 (peg ball) to
3-yards out of C1).
Duckworth fails 2-back and Aiton finishes +12.
Dumergue fails hoop 4, Bald in with 1-back ball with half
Westerby on 4-back (3rd turn) with defensive spread.
Goacher on 4-back and peg with reverse DS. Bamford lifts
ball at peg and misses long lift into C2. Goacher rushes
poorly and only reaches the peg. Rolls partner to 3-back,
getting cut-rush to 4-back
Kirby appears to have broken down at 4-back
12:30 |
Goacher snicks rush to 4-back and rolls up to 2-yards
straight, retires to partner. Bamford moves ball near 4-back
to C1. Goacher makes leave, forcing Bamford's backwards
ball to play: Goacher laid up south of hoop 4, with
Bamford's hoop 1 ball at 4-back and his hoop 3 ball 2-yards
off the west boundary level with 6. Reg corners ball near
4-back into C1. Goacher misses 10-foot rush. Bamford
misses partner near C1. Goacher misses 7-yarder (possible
double target)
Burrow misses long lift. Westerby plays well to pick up
standard TP
Fulford makes a leave near hoop 1 leaving Gibbons' peg
ball near North boundary behind hoop 2 with big target (2.5
balls in middle) and 4-back ball in C4. Gibbons refuses
shot and goes near end of A-Baulk. Fulford makes another
leave leaving 4-back ball between 3 and 4, peg ball off N
boundary behind 2 and leaves a half rush near C1 north.
Gibbons moves 4-back ball to end of A-Baulk. Fulford
picks up 3-ball break
Bald to 4-back with leave. Now 3 and 4-back vs. 4 and 4-back
(hoop 3 is tricky). Ian hits lift and is going round with
hoop 4 ball
Kirby penult and peg with leave vs. 2 and 4-back.
McInerney misses lift. Kirby wins first +16.
Duckworth has first break in second
12:50 |
Fulford on delayed TP. Good rush after 2-back allows
him to almost fully peel through penult
Bamford on standard QP
Duckworth on 4-back with open spread and 5-yard join.
Aiton hits.
Dumergue breaks down at 4-back to leave all 4 clips on
the hoop: 4-back and 4-back vs. 3 and 4-back (told you it
was tricky!). Gets in again, fails 4-back again
Westerby finishes 5th turn +26TP. Admittedly on the easy
lawn, but nevertheless, a very impressive perfect match
from Aaron taking full advantage of his good fortune
Aiton stopped at 2 (don't know why) and Duckworth now has
break with his backward ball
Fulford completes competent delayed TP to win first +5TP.
Some weakness shown in his physical strokes, but a highly
impressive tactical performance to finish without Gibbons
Bamford now on 3-back with 2 peels done
Ian and Ken still have all the clips on 3.
13:10 |
Correction from previous report. Fulford's finishing
turn started with a rush south rather than north. He
played a big roll sending a ball to 3, going to the ball
on the boundary behind hoop 2, where the front ball might
have been going off, but hit the peg finishing between 3
and 4. As I have always said, you don't win any
Championship without a good slice of luck
Duckworth breaks down at 5. Aiton has the innings
Bamford completes +5QP win - Goacher must be kicking
himself ... or should that be slapping himself?.
Progress on lawn 1. Dumergue has gone to peg with a leave.
Now 4-back and peg vs. 3 and 4-back. Ken hits the lift
with his hoop 3 ball, but fails hoop again. Ian now has
the innings
All other games at lunch. Time to have a look at the
USPGA Champs - come on VJ.
13:50 |
Dumergue finished to win the first +15
Duckworth hit and is going round with his 4-back ball.
Misses 6-yard return after rover. Aiton going round
presumably to peg him out to leave 1 & peg vs. 5
Bamford has innings at start of second
Fulford vs. Gibbons game 2: Fulford supershot. Gibbons 16y
N of C4. Fulford misses to 1-yard N of C4. Gibbons misses
13-yarder at ball near C4. Fulford going round turn 5,
trying to pop, but failing. Ball to 4-back with DS.
Kirby has the first break
14:15 |
Gibbons misses long lift
Bamford has first break in the second, stops at 1-back
with sextuple leave. Goacher hits tea-lady
Fulford goes down the hill at 6 with the 4-back peel in
front of hoop and plays 15y S of C3. Gibbons hits the
peelee, keeping it on 4-back about 4 inches in front of
hoop. Then peels it with a take-off, does well to make
hoop 1 and now has break with potential TPO
Aiton pegs out Duckworth leaving 1 & peg vs. 5. Balls
in C2 and C3. Duckworth rolls ball in 2 to peg, hits ball
in 3, takes-off to hoop 5 and misses it joining up the
peg ball just out of C3
McInerney hits the lift, but fails hoop 1 off partner
Bald has his first clip on hoop 3 and is 2 & 3 vs. 1
& 1
14:50 |
Bald runs hoop 3, but fails hoop 4. Dumergue joins up
by hoop 4, but Ken has a go at a very difficult short
angled hoop, runs it, but with a double tap, so it's 2
& 4 vs. 1 & 1
McInerney hit back in and is now on a break running hoop
Aiton has control of the pegged out ending
Gibbons is on 2-back having completed 2 peels of his TPO
and has good control of the break
Goacher has made it to 4-back leaving Reg's hoop 1 ball 2
yards off just South of the middle of the east boundary,
his 1-back ball 3-yards WNW of the peg and has himself 4-yards
South of C2 with a rush north. Reg lifted the ball at the
peg and hit partner from B-Baulk
McInerney failed at 1-back, Kirby hit, but was hampered
after hoop 1, joined partner by hoop 3 and McInerney
missed from 2 to 1
Gibbons is on straight rover peel to complete the TPO.
Rover peel goes through 4-yards with strikers ball in
jaws. From there, John managed to rush only 5 to 6-yards
away for his peg-out and missed giving Rob everything
15:00 |
Fulford finished his 4-ball break to win in straight
Dumergue took his first break to rover and gave contact.
Bald now has the innings for 2 & 4
Bamford took his 1 ball to 4-back
Duckworth had a chance in the pegged out game against
Aiton, but failed 3-back. Aiton is on 4 & peg
Kirby is on
hoop 6 with his second ball
15:30 |
Goacher missed the lift and Reg now has a standard
TP, which should be straightforward
Bald has gone to 4-back with his hoop 4 ball and Dumergue
has missed the lift. Ken now has a standard TP, which is
very tricky on his lawn.
Meanwhile Evans and Avery have gone on lawn 8 and Evans
has the first break
Maugham and Death have gone on the easy lawn 9 and Death
has hit the ball in C2 3rd turn having laid a super-shot
and is going round. It is disappointing that lawn 9 has
been used today. Hopefully, the quarters and semis can
avoid it
Aiton has reached 2-back and peg vs. 3-back, but
Duckworth has just hit in with 2 balls up by the west
boundary by hoop 2. Duckworth made 3-back, but failed 4-back
Death is on 4-back with a defensive spread. Maugham has
missed the long lift
Kirby reached 4-back and peg with a spread, and McInerney
missed his last lift. However, Kirby grovelled through 4-back
and couldn't hit anything. McInerney took his lift and
hit his partner that was in Baulk, and then took off the
lawn next to Kirby's penult ball to give the game and
match away -20
16:10 |
Ken Bald has just completed the best turn of the day
with a wonderful TP on lawn 1 (the lawn Reg thought was
too tricky a peel). It is now 1-1 with Dumergue
Bamford comfortably finished his TP to beat Goacher in
straight games
Duckworth has just missed a free 20-yarder with 2 balls
at his hoop (4-back) and Aiton is now trying to 2-ball
out from 4-back. Aiton approaches penult, sending partner
down just short of rover but runs too far to be able to
attempt the hoop and goes 8y S of C2. Duckworth took his
lift and missed his "rush" on the ball at rover
to 4-back
Death finished in 30 minutes 5th turn 26TP to take the
first against Maugham
Avery hit the long lift against Evans, but broke down at
Death somehow went first again in game 2 and laid a
supershot. Maugham went peg high on East boundary and
James missed it from A-Baulk. Dave has hit the 16y double
4th turn and is now on 4-back with a MSL.
Meanwhile, Aiton is laid up level with 6 on the West
boundary with a rush to penult (boundary ball looked
wired). Ed hit from behind hoop 4, rushing the peg ball
north. He then played an excellent take-off to obtain a
rush to 4-back, but rushed it off the East boundary. He
has now over-approached 4-back leaving a 2-yard 45-degree
hoop. This fails bouncing back to hoop running position
wired from Keith's penult ball behind the hoop. Aiton
shoots at partner near hoop 2, missing. Ed fails 4-back.
Keith finishes to move into the quarters where he will
face Fulford
16:30 |
Death took the shot through hoop 4 and missed.
Maugham now has a standard TP to equalise
Evans stopped at hoop 2 on his second break, and Avery is
now in again with a break for his hoop 6 ball
Bald has the first break in the decider on lawn 1, but
has just put his clip on 1-back. Dumergue hit a sweaty 7-yarder,
but has some work to do to pick up a break. After a leave
from Ian, Ken cornered and Ian missed a 1-yard rush to
give Ken the innings again
Mark went to 4-back and gave Marcus a choice of 14-yarders.
Marcus missed to give Avery a standard TP
Maugham has finished the 2nd to equalise +26TP 6th turn
17:10 |
Death laid a supershot in the decider and Maugham
again went peg high on the East boundary. James hit and
is now going round 3rd turn. James is on 4-back and has
again made a defensive spread
Avery finishes a nice TP on lawn 8 to take the first
against Marcus
Maugham has missed the long lift and Death now has a turn
to put the World Number One out of the Championships. He
has made hoop 1, but his hoop 2 pioneer is poor. James
has made 2, with a rush to corner 4, but his peelee is at
hoop 6. A good rush to 5 feet out of c4 and a good thick
take-off give him the chance of a standard TP. Hoop 3 is
run, the peel is made and a perfect rush to C4 gives
James what should now be a routine finish, but nothing is
ever routine in such a big game
Bald vs. Dumergue entered a scrappy phase but Ken has now
gone from 2-back to rover leaving it 1 & rover vs. 1
& 4. Ian has just missed the lift, giving Ken the
chance of a quarter-final slot
17:15 |
James Death completed the peels of his triple before
3-back and kept his nerve to win 2-1 in 16 turns. It was
an excellent performance, but you have to say that Dave
must count himself unlucky to have been given the easy
lawn having hardly put a foot wrong over the last 2-6
weeks. James will now play Aaron Westerby in the quarters
Avery has the first break in the second
Bald failed to take his winning opportunity, but still
has the innings
18:15 |
Evans missed the lift against Avery who picked up his
break only to miss his hoop 3 pioneer from 2-yards.
Marcus has played a very good 3-yard cut rush to 6 inches
in front of hoop 1
Bald has a 4-ball break and needs to do a rover peel to
win. The rover peel is aborted after hoop 5, but looks
good for before 3-back. However, it is put into the wire,
so a straight peel will be required
But ... he didn't get that far, failing penult. So,
penult & rover vs. 1 & 4. The lawns are slowing
down and big comebacks are definitely possible
Dumergue grovels through hoop 1 and misses a 9-yarder.
Ken hits a 6-yarder and after a good shot has a rush to a
ball on the boundary. However, he over-hits his take-off
and does not obtain his rush to rover and has a leave.
Dumergue misses and Ken takes his penult ball to the peg.
A very poor leave gives Ian a 10-yarder (no lift), which
he hits to stay in the match. Ian then fails hoop 4. Ken
joins partner by hoop 6. Ian misses from 4 to 6 (he's
shot badly this match). Ken plays with his peg ball and
makes a leave. Ian misses and Ken finishes to set up a
quarter final with Kirby
Evans gets to 4-back with an NSL and Avery hits the lift
with his hoop 3 ball, but fails hoop 3. Marcus hits an 8-yarder
and has a good chance for a standard TP if he can rush to
hoop 1 from 20-yards. Marcus plays poorly and does not
obtain a rush to hoop 1 and ends up with a 4-yard hoop
which he fails giving Mark a 2-yarder with his 4-back
ball or a 9-yarder at a ball and a half with his hoop 3
ball with a ball at hoop 3. Avery plays his 4-back ball
and goes to peg, giving a 13-yard lift shot. It is now 3
& peg vs. 1 & 4-back, the lift will be crucial.
Avery is laid up tight in C4 with a rush North, Evans 4-back
ball is 16 yards South of C3 and his hoop 1 ball is 2
yards off the west boundary level just south of hoop 6.
Marcus lifts his hoop 1 ball and shoots down from C3,
missing partner, but just staying straight enough to clip
Marks' peg ball
18:30 |
Evans made hoop 1, rushed back to near C4 and took
off the lawn trying to get behind Avery's peg ball just
out of the corner
Mark lays up guarding hoop 3, with Marcus' hoop 2 ball at
hoop 5 wired from his 4-back ball on the boundary behind
hoop 4
Marcus hit with his hoop 2 ball, picks up a break and
will no doubt be looking forward to the 2-ball game 4-back
vs. 3.
19:00 |
Marcus told me yesterday that he'd never lost a game where
he's pegged out 2 balls. Well, he's 4-back vs. 3 now
Avery takes position at 3
Evans shoots from hoop 2, hitting hoop3 and glancing
off to the boundary south of it
Avery runs 3
and takes position at 4
Evans takes position
at 4-back
Avery runs 4 and takes long angled
position at 5
Evans runs 4-back, shoots at
penult, missing to 5-yards N of C1 Avery takes lift, hits 5-yarder,
over-rolls to 5 sending Marcus just North of the peg and takes 4 foot
position open
Marcus hits 8-yarder, rushing it
to end of A-Baulk, takes-off to 2-yard angled position, takes 2-foot
position, but gives a wiring lift
Avery misses
9-yarder, Evans runs penult to south boundary, hits Avery's ball, croquets
it to hoop 6 and takes position at rover
Avery shoots gently and hills off. Evans finishes. 1-1
19:40 |
Game 3: Avery supershot. Evans 15 yards N of C4.
Avery misses from A-Baulk (poor shot). Evans hits double
from B-Baulk and goes to 4-back with an NSL. Avery lifts
the ball at 4 and takes the incredibly aggressive shot
from A-Baulk, missing
Evans then does not punish the shot, since he opts to
have partner at hoop 2, rushes poorly to 1, and has a one-yard
angled hoop, which he runs up to partner at 2. Plenty of
work to do to go round from here never mind have an easy
standard TP
20:10 |
A thick take-off sent partner to hoop 3 and Marcus
rushed to behind hoop 2. A 7-yard take-off gave him a 2-yard
hoop, which just went through. He failed to keep the
peelee in ideal position and only got it in the front of
the jaws after hoop 3. Going back after hoop 4, he rush
peels it to the North boundary and takes-off back to hoop
5. Does well to obtain rush to C3 after hoop, sends 1-back
pioneer slightly deep. Rolls peelee vaguely 3-yards
behind 6 and angled. Runs 6 and tries 2-yard angled peel.
Peels cleanly just past the peg getting good rush on
escape ball. It should be straightforward from here
providing he gets a rush to 1-back
1-back is made and the peelee is now in front of rover as
he makes 2-back. The 4-back pioneer is sent nearer 3rd
Corner than 4-back and whilst the rover peel goes
through, it is only by 6 inches and he doesn't get a rush
to 3-back He's made 3-back, but with no rush, so if he
makes 4-back, he should be home. He leaves himself a 3-yarder
on the peelee which could go anywhere after 3-back and
rushes it back up to penult. One good take-off and it's
there ... The take-off just stays on the lawn giving a
rush, but that is over-hit 2-yard past. A good approach
leaves him a similar length 4-back to the one he failed
to lose the Men's earlier this year. Again the ball
jumps, but this time it sails through to the boundary and
he now has all the balls for an easy finish
Avery had looked impressive all tournament, but another
of the top 8 seeds is out and qualifier Marcus is having
another excellent tournament at Cheltenham. Well done
So, that's it for today. Tomorrow we have lawns 1, 7,
10 and 11 (no lawn 9 ... hurrah) all with fresh hoops.
Will the best of five matches finish???
Death vs. Westerby
Aiton vs. Fulford
Bamford vs. Evans
Kirby vs.