Pendle & Craven Croquet Club
For Club Handicappers, Referees, etc., please refer to the Croquet England Directory.
Pendle & Craven Croquet Club
Abbreviated to 'Pendle & Craven' in listingsNorth West Federation
Yorkshire Federation
Cemetery Road
BB18 6QX
07388 898827
5 lawns View on Map
Dogs: Yes: Players may bring their well-behaved dog to the club. Dogs should be kept on a long lead that prevents them from interfering with play unless otherwise agreed with the club
Our little Club is rather unique, because of its location in the Pennine village of Earby, it's eligible to compete in both the East and West Pennine League fixtures - meaning you get twice as much competitive play here than at other clubs - if you want it...or you could just be a social member, we have those too!
All standards of play are catered for. The Club runs beginners' sessions and cub competitions throughout the season, supports federation leagues on both sides of us, as well as hosting many national tournaments organised by Croquet England.
Members can play at any time. Club sessions are on Tuesdays and Saturdays, allowing you to meet other members easily. AC practice day is Thursday.
Our main playing season lies between March and October but events take place outside those dates.
Everyone is most welcome. We run introductory sessions for you to try the game. All you need is flat-soled footwear - please contact our Chairman if you would like to know more.
And Spectators are always welcome at our lawns, please contact our chairman

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Listing start date: 14 Mar -/+ Only future fixtures are shown by default - select a year to see others.