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MacRobertson Shield 2010 - timetable and venues

[<<] [>>] by Jonathan Kirby
15th December 2008 (The MacRobertson Shield)

I am delighted to announce the venues for the 2010 MacRobertson Shield. This event will be contested by Great Britain, Australia, New Zealand, and the USA, and will consist of six 21-rubber test matches, played in three series. In the first series, one test will be held at Bowdon, and the other at Heaton Park, both in the Greater Manchester area. In the second series, there will be one test at each of Nottingham and Roehampton. Both test matches in the final series will be held at Surbiton. Congratulations to them all. The full timetable is as follows.

All dates August 2010:

Thu 5th Practice and Opening Ceremony
Fri 6th - Tue 10th First test series: Bowdon and Heaton Park
Wed 11th Travel & Practice
Thu 12th - Mon 16th Second test series: Nottingham and Roehampton
Tue 17th Travel & Practice
Wed 18th - Sun 22nd Third test series: Surbiton
Sun 22nd Closing Ceremony

Many clubs submitted excellent proposals and we were unfortunately unable to accept them all. We would like to thank all the clubs which bid to host the event and hope that those which were unsuccessful this time will be able to hold international croquet events in the near future.

Jonathan Kirby
Chairman, CA International Committee


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