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Reg Bamford won his 8th Open Title

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pictureReg Bamford in play during the Open Championship Final (Photo: Samir Patel)

by Samir Patel at Surbiton Croquet Club
10th July 2011 (AC - Championships)

Reg Bamford [1]

Reg Bamford
+24qp -18 +12otp(1)

Reg Bamford
-19tp +17 +21sxp

Reg Bamford
+17sxp +26sxp +26sxp (3)

Reg Bamford
+26sxp +17tp -19tp +17tp (3)

Reg Bamford
-18tp +26sxp +17 +26sxp (3)

David Goacher
Jeff Soo

James Hopgood
+12tp +26tp

James Hopgood
  Ben Rothman [8=]

Samir Patel
-17tp +26tp +26tp

  Samir Patel [8=]
Jamie Burch [4=]

Robin Brown
+6 +26

Andrew Johnston
+14tp -18tp +8otp (3)

James Death
+5tpo +9tpo +17tp (3)

Robin Brown
Andrew Johnston

Andrew Johnston
-21 +17tp +17tp (3)

Kevin Beard
Martin French

Hamish McIntosh
+23 -4 +8

James Death
+25 +19tp

Hamish McIntosh
Miranda Morgan

James Death
+26tp +17

James Death [4=]
Paddy Chapman [3]

Paddy Chapman
-26tp +14otp +18tp

Keith Aiton
-26tp +23 +17tp

Keith Aiton
+26tp +19tp -24tp +17 (3)

Robert Fulford
+26sxp -20tp +26sxp +26 (3)

Stephen Mulliner
Brian Cumming

Keith Aiton
+26tp +25

Keith Aiton
Tim Wilkins

Dennis Bulloch
+21tp +26tp

David Maugham
+6 +9tpo

Dennis Bulloch
Nick Parish

David Maugham
+10tp +26tp

David Maugham [6=]
Rutger Beijderwellen [6=]

Rutger Beijderwellen
+10 +26tp(3)

Rutger Beiderwellen
+13tp +26qp

Robert Fulford
+16qp +17qp +12oqp (3)

Jeff Dawson
Chris Patmore

Chris Patmore
+4 +24

Jim Bast
Danny Huneycutt

Danny Huneycutt
+17tp -26tp +26tp

Robert Fulford
+22tp +13tpo

Mark Avery
Dave Kibble

Robert Fulford
+13tpo -17tp +5otp

Robert Fulford [2]


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