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Ian Lines won the Nottingham Open Weekend

[<<] [>>] by James Death at Nottingham Croquet Club
31 Aug 2014 (AC)

The Lines' celebrated their first wedding anniversary in style!

Seventeen players arrived at Nottingham to play in the Open weekend. Delayed slightly on Saturday morning by the tram works closing the road outside the club. Spread over 5 lawns gave everyone the chance to be single banked at times. With a mild weekend but the ground rather damp from previous rain the hoops were forgiving and a number of peeling attempts were successful.

Ian Lines swept all before him winning 7/7 including 5 triples. Debbie came in second on 6/7 with four triples and her maiden sextuple. She made it look very controlled and only three other games stopped to watch its completion!

There was a peeling prize incorporated over the weekend with a handicapping factor so longer handicaps got bonus points for completing peeling breaks. With the factor Debbie won the peeling by a large margin, without the factor she would still have tied for first.

A special thanks to the volunteers catering to keep the players well fed.

62 games were played over the 2 days,

Full Results

Martin Beacon beat Phil Scarr 14
Debbie Lines beat David Marsh 21tp
Ian Lines beat Clive Goode 26tp
Rachel Rowe beat Peter Moore 17
Miranda Chapman beat Richard White 26tp
Ian Vincent beat Beatrice McGlen 8
Robert Wilkinson beat Omied Hallam 24
David Brydon beat Brian Christmas 22
James Death beat Goode 4
I Lines beat Chapman 24tp
White beat Marsh 17
D Lines beat Wikinson 5tp
Hallam beat Moore 17
Rowe beat Brydon 11
Scarr beat Christmas 4tp
I Lines beat Beacon 7tp
Chapman beat McGlen 14
Death beat Vincent 4qnp
Goode beat Moore 17
Hallam beat Marsh 19
Wilkinson beat White 4
Rowe beat D Lines 17
Scarr beat Brydon 16
Christmas beat McGlen 7
Chapman beat Hallam 12
Moore beat Marsh 17
Beacon beat Vincent 2
I Lines beat Death 16tp
Goode beat Brydon 14
Scarr beat Rowe 1
D Lines beat Chapman 17tp
White beat Hallam 26
McGlen beat Marsh 4
Christmas beat Moore 14
Death beat Wilkinson 26sxp
I Lines beat White 23tp
Wilkinson beat Brydon 17
Hallam beat Death 8tp
I Lines beat Scarr 3
D Lines beat Death 26sxp
Rowe beat Beacon 22
Chapman beat Wilkinson 24
Hallam beat Christmas 26tp
White beat Goode 23tp
McGlen beat Moore 3
Marsh beat Brydon 3
Vincent beat Christmas 26tp
Beacon beat Hallam 26
Chapman beat Death 21tp
Wilkinson beat Goode 24sxp
White beat Vincent 10
Marsh beat Christmas 23
McGlen beat Brydon 3
Moore beat Death 9
Hallam beat Goode 9
Wilkinson beat Beacon 16
I Lines beat Rowe 22
D Lines beat Scarr 26
Marsh beat Chapman 17
D Lines beat Vincent 26tp
Wilkinson beat McGlen 26tp
Beacon beat Brydon 22


I Lines 7/7 5tp
D Lines 6/7 4tp 1sxp
Rowe 4/6
Wilkinson 6/9 1tp 1sxp
Chapman 5/8 2tp
Beacon 4/7
White 4/7 1tp
Hallam 5/9 2tp
Scarr 3/6 1tp
McGlen 3/7
Death 3/8 1qnp 1sxp
Marsh 3/8
Vincent 2/6 1tp
Goode 2/7
Christmas 2/7
Moore 2/7
Bryson 1/8


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