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Mark Avery and James Death won the Surbiton Advanced Tournament

[<<] [>>] by Kevin Carter at Surbiton CC
31st March 2016 (AC)

Katie stormed ahead of a good field on day two of this popular tournament.

Yes, it was Storm Katie which dumped a few hundred tonnes of rain on the already sodden Surbiton lawns overnight. As if to laugh at us all for being so silly as to schedule a croquet tournament in March she also delivered us winds gusting up to 50mph.

We did get some play in on Sunday, despite being reduced to four playable lawns after several heavy showers. Mark Avery and James Death were joint leaders on 4/4, with Malcolm Bigg on 3/3 and a host of players on one loss, including Paddy Chapman, James Hopgood, Samir Patel and Marcus Evans.

Included in those names are six who will travel to another tournament in Florida next month. Good luck to them all and we are sorry we could not provide you more practice. Blame Katie.


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