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Local Discretionary Business Grants Fund

[<<] [>>] by Ian Vincent
4th June 2020 (CqE Official News)

For clubs in England that were ineligible for the Coronavirus Small Business or Leisure & Hospitality grants, a further funding scheme has opened up for which they could be eligible. A Local Discretionary Business Grants Fund has been established which, as its name implies, offers grants, administered by local authorities, on a discretionary basis, to businesses which have fixed property costs, but which have not been eligible for grants from the other schemes. The precise details may vary by local authority, but in at least one case there is a closing date of 30th June or earlier if oversubscribed, so clubs which may be eligible are advised to apply as soon as possible.

Many clubs, large and small, have now received a £10,000 award from the Small Business Grant Fund or the Retail, Hospitality and Leisure Grant Fund, for which eligibility is based primarily upon being in receipt of a rates bill. Such clubs should have been contacted directly by their local authority, but where this has not happened clubs are advised to raise the matter with them directly to see if they are eligible.

We believe that all clubs should be considering their eligibility for these funds and encourage them to contact their local authority if they think they could be eligible (but note that a club can only get a grant from one of these funds).

We have been asked the question specifically if CASCs (Community Amateur Sports Clubs) are eligible to apply for these funds. We have tried to obtain guidance on the matter at a national level but have failed to obtain an answer. We advise such clubs to raise the question with their local authority who are responsible for administering the various schemes.

CA Coronavirus Task Force


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