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Child Safeguarding in Events

Child Safeguarding at Competitions and Other Events

This guidance is part of Croquet England's Welfare Policies, Procedures, Guidance and Templates. It is extracted from Child Safeguarding - Guidance in which further information can be found.

Competitions and Tournaments

Competitions are likely to arise in a variety of circumstances:

Internal club competitions: It is the responsibility of the club to apply Croquet England's policy for all children playing in internal competitions.

Inter-club team competitions: Unless the child is accompanied by their parent, the child's club needs to appoint, with the agreement of the parent, a Responsible Adult (often the captain) who must accompany the team.

Child entering a tournament as an individual: The child's parent can be expected to ensure that the organiser/ tournament manager is informed of the child's status on entry. On receipt of this information, the organiser/tournament manager must ensure, by delegation as necessary, that, either the child will be accompanied by his/her parent, or a Responsible Adult is appointed for the run-up and duration of the tournament.

Child entering as a member of an all-child team: When a team entering a competition is comprised entirely of children, for example representing a school, the team will usually be accompanied by a teacher or parent who is clear on their role within the safeguarding policy of the school. The captain of the opposing team should discuss any safeguarding issues with them.

Junior competitions involving many children: the host club and the competition organiser should ensure that sufficient adults are on hand and a detailed protection policy is put in place.

World Croquet Federation (WCF) championships/events: (which may involve children from outside the UK) the WCF guidance must be followed. Likewise, if any child enters a competition outside Croquet England's domain, he/she should follow the host country's policy.

Other Events, Including Courses

For other events involving children, it is the organiser's responsibility to ensure that children attending the event are safeguarded. This should include liaison with the host Club's Welfare/Safeguarding Officer.

When a child enters another event, the organiser is to ensure that the child will be accompanied by their parent, or a Responsible Adult is appointed for the duration of the event.

Unaccompanied Children

Should a child turn up at a competition or other event without either their parent or an appropriate Responsible Adult, every effort should be made to contact a parent (failing that the home club officials), to validate the entry and during the interim period ensure proper protection for the child. In the case of further difficulties, the guidance of the Club/Federation/National Safeguarding Officer should be sought as a matter of urgency.

Reporting of Safeguarding Incidents

Should any safeguarding incident occur or a concern arise during any of the above competitions or other events, the competition / event organiser must ensure the procedures in Child Safeguarding-Responding, Recording and Reporting Procedures are followed.