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Croquet Ranking and Grading Systems

Association Croquet

The Association Croquet Ranking System is used to restrict entries for the Open Championship, the Men's Championship, the Women's Championship and certain other Croquet England calendar events if they are oversubscribed. Chris Williams is the Croquet England Ranking Officer, operating the AC system under the supervision of the World Croquet Federation. Grades are calculated using the Dynamic Grading System, adopted by the World Croquet Federation, with results from official Advanced-Play singles events at home and abroad.
See the Association Croquet Rankings page for more details.

Golf Croquet

The Golf Croquet International Grading System (GCIGS) is used to restrict entries for various Croquet England calendar events if they are oversubscribed. It is operated by Richard Bilton, as the WCF Ranking Officer. Grades are calculated using results from official level-play singles events at home and abroad. The GCIGS grade calculation process changed on 1 July 2019 from the original Elo-based approach (a player's published grade represented the exponential average of their recent indices, which changed after every game) to a form of "Dynamic Grading" (a player's published grade is their latest index, which is less volatile than the Elo index). The system incorporates Automatic Start-Grade Adjustment, which is intended to cope with the fact that start grades are difficult to estimate and that players display a wide range of improvement rates.

In GCIGS, the change in an index after a game is weighted according to the type of event in which the game was played, to reflect their varying significance:

See the Golf Croquet Rankings page for more details.

For more information, read about the World Rankings on the WCF website:

Chris Williams