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North West Council Constituency

This page's content is specific to the Croquet Association and not to Croquet England. There is, or soon will be, a replacement for it relating to the new organisation.

Serving Member

Robin Tasker (until October 2024)

Robin started playing croquet at Chester Croquet Club in 2015, having played briefly in his twenties before the usual (and enjoyable) demands of life took over. It was a good decision. Croquet provides him with a healthy outdoor activity combined with technical and mental challenges; and also a welcoming, well-organised and supportive community both in Chester and across the North West.

Robin's working life was all about computer networks from being Head of Networking for a large UK Research Council to leading the UK's efforts in the international standardisation of all matters related to data communications. As such, policy and strategy were central to his work together with the need for clear communication, negotiation and diplomacy to get things done. Such skills are very much transferable and it is these that Robin brings to his role as a member of Council.

At his first Southport Festival of Croquet, Robin was inspired (and somewhat overawed) by the sheer numbers of people playing and enjoying the game and, again, the sense of community was clear to see. For croquet to thrive and grow, tapping into this sense of belonging is vital. In Robin's view, there is undoubted scope to reach a wider and more diverse audience but this must be approached realistically and in a sustainable manner. He believes this to be vital for croquet to confirm its relevance and to secure its future.

Robin enjoys the competitive side of the sport and therefore wishes to see the improvement and development of both technical and tactical skills as key for a thriving sport at all levels within the game. He feels that it is perfectly fine simply to enjoy the game but that it is actually also great fun to see just how far you can be challenged. He observes that he often is!


The North West Council constituency covers the area of the North West Federation.

Election Cycle

A new representative to serve for three years as a voting member of Council is to be elected in summer 2024.

Further Information

Please see the election rules for further information about the election process and the guide to the skills sought.