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The Structure of the Croquet Association (Post Oct 2019)

This page's content is specific to the Croquet Association and not to Croquet England. There is, or soon will be, a replacement for it relating to the new organisation.

The governance of the Croquet Association is changing, following the decision of the Special General Meeting held on 30th March, 2019, to amend its constitution. This page documents the structure as it will be after the AGM on 19th October, 2019: please follow these links to see the structure as it is until the AGM on 19th October, 2019, and a description of how the new Council is to be elected.

Council Executive Board

The Council has overall responsibility for the affairs of the Association, with a focus on high-level policy, strategic initiatives, scrutiny and transparency. It has:

  • 12 Voting Members elected by Individual Members of the Association to represent a Member Federation and the Member Clubs and Individual Members served by it, except that several Federations may be grouped to form a single constituency.

and the following non-voting members:

  • The Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer
  • The Chairman of the Executive Board
  • up to 3 co-opted members, appointed by vote of the Council to ensure that it has a diversity of background and experience.

In addition, the President and any guests invited by the Chairman of Council may attend meetings and speak but not vote.

The Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer of the CA are elected annually at the Association's AGM.

The Council elects its Chairman and Vice-Chairman annually.

Day-to-day business (including authority to execute financial transactions, implementation of policy, and recommendation of new, or changes to, policy) is delegated to an Executive Board, which in turn can delegate to its committees.

The Executive Board has the following voting members:

  • Its Chairman, appointed by the Council
  • The Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer
  • Up to 6 other members, appointed by the Council

The Executive Board appoints the Manager of the CA who reports to its Chairman, is based in the Association's office and shall be a non-voting member.

The President, Chairman of Council and any guests invited by the Chairman of the Executive Board may attend meetings and speak but not vote.


Committees of the Executive Board  
  • Coaching
  • Development
  • Equipment
  • Executive
  • Handicap
  • Information and Communications Technology
  • International
  • Laws (Association Croquet)
  • Management
  • Marketing
  • Publishing
  • Rules (Golf Croquet)
  • Selection (Association Croquet)
  • Selection (Golf Croquet)
  • Tournaments (Association Croquet)
  • Tournaments (Golf Croquet)

The above is a summary of the Association's structure. Please see the Governing Documents for full details. Information about the Officers and Committees, Strategies, Policies and Procedures is also published.