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Data Protection (GDPR) Advice for Clubs

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An article about the likely GDPR impact on clubs (General Data Protection Regulations) was published in the December 2017 Croquet Gazette. An update to the GDPR impact was published in summary in April 2018.

A template for a sample privacy notice to be given (or at least linked from information given) to (prospective) club members is available - copy/paste it into a Word document if you need it in another format. There is also a template consent form that club members who wish to take up a Croquet England Standard subscription, or are already directly to it, should be asked to complete, which asks them to give consent for their contact details to be published to club and/or Croquet England Associates in the online Directory.

There is a Croquet England Data Sharing Agreement, which clubs uploading membership data are required to enter into.