Safeguarding Adults at Risk: Implementation
Section 2: Implementation
The CA's Actions
- We have implemented the CA Safeguarding Adults at Risk Policy by:
- Setting up a clear line of accountability through our Executive Board, an appointed CA Safeguarding Officer, together with Federation and Academy Safeguarding Officers and Club Safeguarding Officers who are responsible for implementing this policy.
- Defining Roles and Procedures to:
- Define the roles of:
- CA Safeguarding Officer
- Federation and Academy Safeguarding Officers
- Club Safeguarding Officers
- Establish a procedure whereby an adult at risk involved in any activity can make known their specific support needs.
- Seek to reduce the risk of possible harm through mitigating actions.
- Aim to identify concerns about people who are known to be at risk and circumstances which may increase their risk.
- Encourage all to be willing to report safeguarding concerns appropriately.
- Define the roles of:
- Raising awareness of how adult abuse or neglect manifests itself and promoting safeguarding best practice.
- Providing a centralised service for obtaining DBS Enhanced Certificates, see Requirement for DBS Enhanced Certificates.
- Maintaining a register of members holding DBS Enhanced Certificates registered with the DBS Update Service, whether obtained through the CA or obtained through another organisation and evidenced to the CA.
- Requiring the CA Safeguarding Officer to report to the Executive Board detailing how risks to safeguarding are being addressed and how any concerns/issues have been addressed.
- We apply a code of conduct for Board and Committee members, Staff, Coaches, Officials, Volunteers and Members and other relevant individuals that specifies zero tolerance of abuse and neglect.
- We will monitor and adjust our policy and procedures in accordance with best practice advice as it develops, for example, from UK Sport, Sport England, NSPCC and Ann Craft Trust.
- Over time we expect to develop expertise in providing support for adults at risk from amongst our volunteers to extend and improve access to the benefits of croquet in a safe environment.
Clubs', Federations' & Academies' Responsibilities
- Clubs, Federations and Academies are responsible for:
- Adopting and publicising the Safeguarding Adults at Risk Policy.
- Appointing a Local Safeguarding Officer (LSO).
- Applying the Safeguarding Procedures.
- Having a standing agenda item at their individual AGMs during which a report on Safeguarding at the club (covering both Children and Adults at Risk) will be presented.
- Clubs are responsible for displaying appropriately the Safeguarding Notice in their clubhouse (where available) and on their website.
CA Members' Responsibilities
- Each CA member is responsible for informing their LSO if they have concerns regarding the safeguarding from harm of an adult at risk within the CA Domain.
- Any CA member who is also an adult at risk as defined by the Care Act 2014 should ensure that they are accompanied by a carer when involved in any CA activity.
Version: 1.3
Dated: 18 Nov 21
Responsible: CA Safeguarding Officer