AC Coaching Topics
AC Coaching Topics (Intermediate and Advanced)
These notes are to help AC coaches put together coaching sessions by picking from the ready-made groupings of topics.
2-4 topics can be covered in a 2-hour session, though some are 2 hours in themselves.
Intermediate Topics
Suitable for handicaps 12 and below (or those aspiring and nearly there).
Break Hygiene - Keep it Going
- Rush lines
- Multiple pioneers
- Move pivot around
- Ask yourself "Where do I want to play the next croquet stroke from?"
- Rush after a hoop - think before approach
- Get near enough
- Stand up on hoop approaches
Hampered Shots
- Laws - Faults
- Options - decide and commit, don't panic!
- Hammer shot - don't even try it!
- Up to 1" through the hoop - normal swing
- Through the hoop with 'roll hold'
- Sweep - make sure it's legal (no push, hand not resting on ground)
Pioneer Rushed to Non-Ideal Position
- In the jaws (review the laws) - options
- Behind the hoop
- Long way away
Basic Hoop Running
- Laws - starting to run, completed; hoop-and-roquet
- Stalk, relax, aim and hit!
- Where to aim - between the extremes
- Don't attempt the unlikely (if I run this angled hoop gently enough then I'll still get my rush)
Tricky Hoop
- Laws
- Options - decide and commit, don't panic!
- Remember the basics
- Jumps, slam - other 'trick shots' not recommended
Break Building - Get it Started
- Styles: aggressive or precision
- Use strokes such as thick take off, angled stop shot at boundary
- Think about cannons
- Plan picking up balls from corners
- 3-ball break - shallow pioneers
- Defensive options - next break
- Invest a bisque
- Shooting at doubles
- When to shoot
- Hit-in after opponent blobbed 1 (Irish peel opponent to 2)
- It's all about getting the first break
- Analysis technique - applies to all options
- Level-play options - standard openings
- Giving bisques options
- Receiving bisques options
- Objectives
- When to start thinking about it
- Ball exchange - make last hoop off opponent
- Emergency
- Peg-out
- With bisques still standing
- Some standard leaves and how to get them - including 3rd turn hit or ball round
- Defensive leaves - survive the lift, next break
- Setting up wirings - and what to avoid
Back to Basics!
Perfecting the Croquet Stroke - Know Your Ratios
- Straight
- Split
- Pull and drag
- Hoop approaches
Know Thyself
- Know your critical roqueting distance - practice
- Psychology - don't get despondent as the out player - the winning mindset
- Choosing your shot - make a rational decision and then hang the consequences, clear your mind
- Shooting - stalk, smooth swing, keep your head down
- Laws - placing the balls (and moving them)
- Standard
- Wafer
- Worm
- Promotion
- Open
3-Ball Ending
- Options for 1-ball player
- Options for 2-ball player
- Use bisques to avoid big splits
Practice Routines
- Roquet - practice success and then increase the distance
- Croquet stroke ratios: drive, stop, roll, half-roll, full-roll, pass-roll
- Getting behind yard-line balls from yard-line position
- Rushing - use 3 balls, play a break keeping one ball near the peg, rushing to it after each hoop
- Roll to 1 from w boundary
- Roll to 1 from corner I
- Take off to 1 from behind
- Split from 1 to 2 & 3
- Play a break, when it goes wrong stop and think "where did it first start to go wrong?", rewind and repeat until shot is done correctly twice in a row
- Practise cannon from I(1), II(2) and IV(1)
- 2-ball break - how far can you get?
- Practise getting your chosen 'standard' leave
- Hoop approach & run cycle
- Approach 2 from II
Bisques and How to Deal with Them
- Know your opponent's strengths and weaknesses
- Don't underestimate your opponent (treat them with respect!)
Giving Lots of Bisques
- Be defensive or really aggressive if you have the skill
Giving a Few Bisques
- Play as if level
- Don't take risks
- Think about break construction
Receiving Lots of Bisques
- Shouldn't happen for long - just set up a break and win!
- Leave options
Receiving a Few Bisques
- Often the most difficult situation
- Use bisques to get an easy break
Being an A-Class Player
- Aim: Error free play
- Mindset
- A ball in II is a pioneer - lower-risk break attempt
- Make it easy - get near to things
- Estimate probabilities, make a decision, and go for it
- Guarding a shot
- When to shoot
Introduction to Advanced & Super-Advanced Play
- Laws
- Openings
- Leaves
Advanced Class: Opening and Leaves
- Standard
- Duffer
- Corner 2
- Super shot
- Hitting on 2nd turn
- Hitting on 3rd turn - go round/dream leave
- When to start thinking about it
- Diagonal Spread
Advanced Class: Peeling
Peeling Basics
- Peeling and problems
- Plan escape (ball)
- Straight peel issues
- Straight Rover peel
- Straight double peel
- Penultimate before 4-back
"Perfecting" the Triple
- Standard Triple
- Delayed Triple from missed lift
Dave Kibble - February 2019