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GC Refereeing: Practice Questions

Answer each question (reference to rule numbers will not be necessary):

  1. What is the halfway line between hoops 12 and 13?
  2. When can a fault be committed?
  3. When is a fault condoned?
  4. A player plays a jump shot after which the opponent draws attention to an indentation in the court surface obviously caused by the ball. Is this a fault?
  5. When may extra strokes not be used?
  6. Ray plays Yellow through the hoop in order from the non-playing side. The ball goes through the hoop to the playing side but a rabbit run causes the ball to roll back into the jaws in a position where it has started to run the hoop. After Bab has played Blue, Ray then plays Red and peels Yellow through and claims the point. Is the point scored?
  7. How are the starting scores in Advantage Play doubles calculated?
  8. In a best of three match, who starts the 2nd and 3rd games and with which ball?
  9. In a game with no referee in charge, both players cannot agree on whether a double tap has occurred (i.e. a fact). Whose opinion prevails?
  10. Bab scores a hoop with Blue. Ray plays Red quickly but Bab points out that Yellow is off-side and requests that Yellow is put on the penalty area on the eastern boundary and for Ray to re-play Red. Does Ray have to replay Red? Ray then points out that Black is also off-side and asks for it to be placed in the same penalty area. What should Bab's reply be?
  11. What are the definitions of the striker's ball and the striker?
  12. An inactive referee notices that a hoop has been run out of order. What should the referee do?
  13. Is there a maximum thinking time between strokes that is considered acceptable?
  14. The striker hits the hoop but does not touch the ball in the hoop but the ball quivers. Is this a fault?
  15. May a point be scored as the result of interference by an outside agency?
  16. In handicap doubles, Bab (handicap 8) and Ken (handicap 4) play Ray (handicap 6) and Yvonne (handicap 6). What extra strokes are received and by whom?
  17. After a sequence of correct play, in her turn, Bab plays the Red ball through the hoop but, in doing so, commits a crush to which she admits. What is the penalty, and who should play next with which ball?
  18. Bab states that she will play an extra stroke after committing a fault. The balls are replaced. Bab then changes her mind. How does play proceed?
  19. Bab plays Blue which cannons off Red and hits her partner's mallet. Blue goes off the court. How does play proceed?
  20. How may a ball in an offside position when a point is scored not be an offside ball?