Commentary on Forster & Clarke (Aus) v Skinley & Wright (NZ)

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Lawn 3. Game 1.

Martin Clarke B Stephen Forster K

Paul Skinley Y Michael Wright R

G1T1: Y to E boundary

G1T2: K to C2

G1T3: R missed Y from A baulk

G1T4: B hits Y from C3.  Rushes R into H6, but gets to K in C2.  Good takeoff to get 2yd position in front of H1, but retires to C2.

G1T5: R misses balls near C2.

G1T6: B has break after rolling off H1 from S boundary.

G1T6: NSL with R by H2.

G1T7: Y lifts to C3, misses to C4.

G1T8: K overrolls approach to H1 and bounces off.

G1T9: R shoots at B and misses to S boundary.

G1T10: K hits B (8yds, solidly), but fails to get position for H1.  Joins B on E boundary.

G1T11: Y hits R near C2, but fails to approach H1.  Retires back to R.

G1T12: NZ cornered.

G1T13: R had a go but got nowhere, joined Y on N boundary.

G1T14: B missed K from H1 to C3.

G1T15: R went off near B in C3.

G1T16: B, the forward ball is laying up in C4, with Y at H1, R at H2.

G1T17: Y misses R to N boundary behind H2.

G1T8: K rushed B to H1, made it and now has a break with partner on 4-B and by H3.

G1T8: Steve Forster completes his TP to win +26tp.

AUS 1 NZ 0 +26tp

Lawn 3. Game 2. Aus one up.

Martin Clarke B Stephen Forster K

Paul Skinley Y Michael Wright R

G2T1: K to E boundary

G2T2: Y duffer tice

G2T3: B misses K from A baulk to leave a double.

G2T4: R hits the double from A baulk.  Runs H1, but is hampered after H2.  Hits ball at H4, takes off back to ball behind 2, is short, but hits it to give a break. 

G2T5: B lifted to C3, missing R & Y to C4.

G2T6: Y, Michael Clark, is making H2 off partner, with K at H3.

G2T6: Y rushed R towards 4-B after running H4 off it, with K up there and B at H5.  Standard delayed TP position to level the match.

G2T7: Paul Skinley completes the TP to win +26tp.

AUS 1 NZ 1


Lawn 3. Final game.

Martin Clarke B Stephen Forster K

Paul Skinley Y Michael Wright R

G3T1: Paul Y to E boundary

G3T2: Stephen K to C2

G3T3: Michael R missed Y from A-baulk

G3T4: Martin (with the green facepaint) hit Y from B-baulk, having made a double.

G3T4: B gets to 4-Back with NSL, Y at H4, R at H2.

G3T5: Y missed long lift to C4.

G3T6: Stephen Forseter, K, needs a delayed TP to take the match for Aus.

G3T6: ... but gets hampered after H2 and misses what the referee thought was a straightforward sweep shot.

G3T7: R shoots from H3 at B by H2 but misses.

G3T8: K hits B, but has no prospects so lays up in C3, leaving R on W boundary by H2 and Y in C4.

G3T9: Y missed R in C2.

G3T10: K took off to R & Y, but went off, possibly attemptng an early peel of B.

G3T11: R or Y failed to get going.

G3T12: K now in play, with B in jaws of 4-B, but rushes it out again.  Now for H6.

G3T12: ... It seems that B had been peeled through 4-B in a previous turn (probably when K went off), but the clip had not been moved.  This turn is therefore a double peel attempt for the match.

G3T12: ... completed with a peg out from S of rover to win +26tp.  It seems that I had been misinformed about the previous peel of B, and the intial roquet at the start of the final turn peeled it for a lady's TP.


Aus 2 NZ 1