Commentary on Landrebe & Beard (Aus) v Bryant & Clarke (NZ)

Lawn 1. First game.

Pete Landrebe (R)  Kevin Beard (Y)

Greg Bryant (K)  Jenny Clarke (B)


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G1T1: Jenny hits B to E Boundary

G1T2: Pete sends R just S of C2.

G1T3: Greg with K misses B from C3 to C4.

G1T4: Kevin with Y hits K in C4, but fails 45 degree H1 off R, with B near C2, and K 3yd SSW of H3.

G1T5: Jenny (B) misses R and stops on wire of H1.

G1T6: Y runs H1 for a break

G1T6: NSL with K near W boundary, B by H4.

G1T7: Jenny lifts B to C3 and hits Y to C4.  Sends Y to H2, going to R, but takes of several yards long, almost into the ditch, when going to K on W Boundary.

G1T8: Y corners in C4.

G1T9: Jenny rushes partner to H1, then H2, then makes H3 off oppo to get a 3-ball break, bringing in the 4th ball after H5.

G1T9: NSL with Y on 4-B, R peg high near W boundary.

G1T10: R lifts to end of A baulk, but misses badly.

G1T11: Greg, K, looks to have a triple on, which means that there are TPs in progress on all 3 lawns.  Time for a quick coffee: Barry Keen, the manager, is fetching me one!

G11T11: Greg completes a standard TP to win +17tp.

NZ 1 AUS 0 +17tp.


Lawn 1. Game 2. NZ one up.

Pete Landrebe (R)  Kevin Beard (Y)

Greg Bryant (K)  Jenny Clarke (B)

G2T1: Kevin Y to E Boundary

G2T2: Jenny B lays duffer tice, S of H6.

G2T3: Pete not enticed, shoots with R at Y from C3, missing to C4.

G2T4: Greg K hits B, rushing it to 5yds E of H1.  Rolls towards ball in C4 but misses it

G2T5: Pete R has run H1, but with work to do.  B is on E boundary, K by H5.

G2T5: Fails to get rush on K to H2.  Tries to roll up from H5. leaving 2 yd hoop, which he runs.

G2T5: R to 4-Back, with NSL.  B just NW of H4, K 4yds off W boundary.

G2T6: Jenny lifts B to C3, just misses Y to C4.

G2T7: Y attempting to peel R from 2yds before 4-Back.  Jawsed.

G2T7: Irish peel at penult glances off peg to end 1yd E of Rover.  Pete comes on to advise. Gers 1yd rush to dead position for straight rover peel.

G2T7: Irishes it, and pegs out from 2 yds to level the match at lunch.

AUS 1 NZ 1

Lawn 1. Final game.

Pete Landrebe (R)  Kevin Beard (Y)

Greg Bryant (K)  Jenny Clarke (B)

G3T1: Jenny B to E boundary

G3T2: Pete R to C2

G3T3: K missed B from B-baulk

G3T4: Y missed B from A-Baulk

G3T5: B lays up, Y at H3, R near C2, B & K have a rush for B near C4.

G3T6: R hits the oppo near C4 from H2.

G3T6: R made H1, but not H2.  Laid up near C4.

G3T7: B shot at R & Y, but missed, leaving K S of H3.

G3T8: R plays, ignores or doesn't get to K, and rolls up to H2 for first break.

G3T8: ... leaving MSL with B at H4.

G3T9: Jenny lifts B to B-baulk and misses to C4.

G3T10: Y running H2 with R behind, K at H3 and B in C4.  R for 4-B, B & K both for H1.

G3T10: ... R is jawsed in 4-B before H6.

G3T10: ... ends with straight rover peel.  Y hits B, the escape ball, after the irish peel of rover, leaving R 1' dead behind rover.  Rushes K to 3 yds SE of Rover and makes no attempt at cannon. Rushes to 3.5 yd away, but R just missed, going 3yd E of H2.  Y went to C4: pundits remembering Maugham & Avery v Watts and partner at Shepperton in the last test wonder if this is an error.  B is 3yds N of H1, K 3 yds SE of H5.

G3T11: B lifts to end of B-Baulk and misses R.

G3T12: R shoots at Y in C4 and misses.

G3T13: K hits B on E boundary.  For 1 & 1 v peg and peg.

G3T13: K takes off into C4!.  May be able to promote R along S boundary when hitting Y.

G3T13: K lays rush for B on W boundary N of H1, with R S of H3 and Y E of H4.

G3T14: Y shots at R and misses.

G3T15: B now for H3 with break.

G3T15: Jenny played a solid break under pressure to end with R in the jaws of H2, Y 1' NE of H4 and K having a rush to 1 on the E Boundary.

G3T16: The greens are discussing their options.  Lift Y to end of B-baulk and just snick R in H2.  Take off from R to oppo on E boundary. 

G3T16: ... Leaves B on E Boundary, K near C1, Y with a straight rush to the peg.

G3T17: K shot at B and missed.

G3T18: Y pegs out R from 2 yds, after bringing Pete on to check alignment, to win +17.

AUS 2 NZ 1

So Australia win the day 2-1, leaving the test at Aus 6 NZ 9, with 6 to play.  NZ need 2 wins, Aus 5.  Over to Chris at Bowdon!