Clarke (Aus) v Skinley (NZ)

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Lawn 3. Game 1

Martin Clarke B & K

Paul Skinley R & Y

G1T1: R to E Boundary

G1T2: B to C2

G1T3: Y missed R from C3 to C4.

G1T4: K hit and laid in C2.

G1T5: R retired to C3, with Y near C4.

G1T6: K played.

G1T6 ... has leave.  B & K near C3, R at H1, Y near C4.

G1T7: R misses.

G1T8: B has break.

G1T8: ... to 4-B with NSL.  R near W boundary, Y behind 4.  K has riush on B on E boundary level with H5.  K for 4-B, others for H1.

G1T9: Long lift shot with Y, misses to C4.

G1T10: K makes 1 & 2, then sticks in 3, with R S of H2 and Y in C4.

G1T11: R hits Y and has break.

G1T11: ... R got to 4-B, with reverse spread.

G1T12: K hits Y.

G1T12: ... K fails angled 2-B, hitting his foot. 

G1T13: Y has break.

G1T13: Y finishes with TP to win +10tp

NZ 1 AUS 0

Game 2.

Martin Clarke B & K

Paul Skinley R & Y

G2T1: B peg high supershot.

G2T2: Y to outside C4.

G2T3: K hit Y in C4, but fails to roll up to H1.

G2T4: R makes double of Y and B from B-baulk, but misses to C1.

G2T5: B misses K.

G2T6: Y misses B & K.

G2T7: B has a break to 4-B, leaving NSL with Y near W B, R on H4.

G2T8: Skinley lifts R to B Baulk, misses to C4.

G2T9: K now at penult: peels attempted but none done.

G2T9: CORRECTION.  K did straight peel at 4-Back, and left cross peg leave, with his balls near C4, for penult and peg.

G2T10: Misses.

G2T11: Martin Clarke wins +26 to level the match.

AUS 1 NZ 1


Photo shoot with the Lord Mayor.

Game 3.

Martin Clarke R and Y

Paul Skinley B & K

G3T1: R to East boundary

G3T2: B to C2

G3T3: Y misses R.

G3T4: K misses

G3T5: Y has break to 4-B.

G3T6: Lift missed

G3T7: Paul Skinley, now with H4 for R is setting up for a delayed TP, which would win the test for NZ.

G3T7: Paul completes the delayed TP to win +26 for the match and test.

NZ 2 AUS 1

Test score NZ 11 Aus 6