Commentary on Fletcher & Dumergue (Aus) v Skinley & Wright (NZ)

Lawn 2.  Aus won -20tp(S) +3tp (F) +26tp(D).

Colours for Game 1:

Robert Fletcher (K)      Ian Dumergue (B)

Paul Skinley     (Y)       Michael Wright (R)


Colours for Game 2:

Robert Fletcher (Y)      Ian Dumergue (R)

Paul Skinley     (K)       Michael Wright (B)


Colours for Game 3: as Game 1.

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G1T1: B supershot

G1T2: Y dribbled and missed  from C1

G1T3: K missed from C1, ending with E boundary tice.

G1T4: R hit tice and is going round.

G1T4: R played wrong (partner) ball after discussing leave after 3-Back.

G1T5: B makes short roquet on Y, rushes R to S of Black, which is on W boundary S of H2.Gets rush on K to H1, which ends about 3 ft short.  Runs H1 for a break.

G1T5: B hampered after H3, but makes the roquet swinging through the hoop.

G1T6: Very slow break with much discussion.  B now hampered after H6.

G1T6: B plays back through H6 to avoid wiring lift for R.

G1T7: R hits B and lays with R in jaws of 1. 

G1T8: B shot at Y and missed after mishit.

G1T9: Paul, Y, on standard TP.

G1T10: Y lines up 8 ft pegout.

NZ win game 1 +20tp (Skinley)

G2T1: K to E boundary

G2T2: R to C2

G2T3: B hits K.

G2T3: and lays rush for himself.

G2T4: Y shoots at B&K from A baulk and misses.

G2T5: B runs H1, with rush to Y by 4 and R in C2.

G2T5: B fails to roll up to H2 from R in C2.  R is behind 2, Y N of H3, K near E boundary peg high.  B tries to get to C4, but bounces off H4, going to S boundary.

G2T6: R missed Y.

G2T7: B missed K.

G2T8: Y (Fletcher) hit R at 15yds, then 18yd take-off, which was 7yds short and missed.

G2T9: B going round.

G2T9: B gets to 4-B with B-spread, B & K near C4.

G2T10: Y shot at R from A-Baulk, missed ending near C3.

G2T11: K rolls up short and bounces off 3 ft angled hoop off R.

G2T12:R hit K, but failed to get position, retiring to C3.

G2T13: K hit B from H1 to H2, got rush on R to between H1 and peg, took off short and retired to B near H2.  R by H1, Y near C3.

G2T14: R misses K.

G2T15: K hits partner, and sets leave.

G2T16: Red corners in C4.

G2T17: K is digging a break out fromthecforners and is now for H4, with R up by 4-B, presumably for a delayed TP attempt.

G2T17: K laid up for peg, failing to roll the balls off the W boundary, having done 2 peels on B, the penult one after running rover.

G2T18: Y (Fletcher) missed.

G2T19: Clarke missed his (long) rush to rover.

G2T20: R has made H1 and rolled up to 2 from H3.  Looking at retiring to Y in C4.

G2T21: But runs long H2 instead, to B, with K at H3.  Blue sky has come in from the NW.

G2T21: R gets to 4-B, with NSL.  Breaking for a late (13:55) lunch.

G2T22: B takes short lift and misses.

G2T23: Y (Fletcher) runs H1 with all the balls and good prospects for a standard TP.

G2T23: Fletcher completes a quick TP to win.


Aus level match at 1-1, +3tp (Fletcher).


G3T1: Dumerge (B) supershot

G3T2: Skinley (Y) trickled at it from C1 and hit.  Conference. Sends B to W boundary, Y to E.

G3T3: Fletcher (K) takes long "lift" from C3, hitting Y.  Sends it between peg and H2, going to B. Thick take-off to good position for H1, runs it to B.  Gets rush on Y to H2, with 3-ball break established.

G3T3: K gets to 4-B, leaving B near W boundary, with Y and K towards H2.

G3T4: R misses long "lift" from A baulk to C2.

G3T5: B just runs 1, but can hit K, with Y at H2 and R in C2. Spits K to 3, going to R, establishing a standard TP.

G3T5: Just coming up to straight rover peel ... taking a long time to line it up. Irishes it.

Calls ref to check that he doesn't do a grievous, but all is well.

AUS win 2-1 -20tp(S) +3tp(F) +26tp(D)