Landrebe & Beard (Aus) v Bast & Hunnycutt (USA)

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Another morning, and all to play for with the test tied 6 all.  Today could be crucial for both teams.  Rain overnight, but a lovely sunny morning - lets hope it lasts.  Just timed the lawns, and they are still running at 11 sec.  The teams are here waiting until 9:45 when they are allowed to start practice.

OK, 10am and ready to go.

Huneycutt puts U just past H5.

Landrebe sends R to max length position on E boundary.

Bast shoots at R with K from C3, misses to 3 yds short of C4.

  Huneycutt   Bast
  Landrebe   Beard

Y shoots at B from in front of H1.  Hits.

Takes off to R leaving U by H6.  Hits R, and discussion ensues.  Decides to roll R to C4 going to K.  R goes 3 yds out of C4 towards H1.  Rolls K to H1, just short but leaves possible angled hoop.  Declines hoop and returns to R, leaving rush pointing at H2.

K hits R into C4.

Sends R behind H4, rushes Y to H1.  U is still by H6.  Runs H1 with rush to E boundary.  Cuts towards R, goes 3 yards short of it.

Takes off, and rushes R towards U.  sends it to halfway between H6 and H3 with rush to H2.  Runs H2 with no useful rush.Rolls U out 2 yds S of H6, gets 2 yd rush on R to H3.  Rushes well.  Easy 4-ball break from here.

Approaching H6, break under full control.

Y goes to the peg after 1b.  Looks like it will be a spread.

Poor approach to 3b from 2 ft away, leaves very angled hoop.  Runs it anyway.  Lays a good spread, with Y at peg and R perhaps 2 yds off W boundary.

1 4b 1 1

Beard lifts Y and shoots from the end of A baulk at U.  Misses to 2 ft N of U.

U taps Y and sends it well out towards H4, with rush to R.  K goes to H2, good rush to H1.

Runs H1 with no useful rush.  Splits R to 7yds short of H3 going to Y.  Takes off to K leaving Y by H4.

Copes well.  Rushes K S of R and sends K to 2 yd in front of 4b with rush on R.  Runs H3 with rush on K which he takes to 1 yd in front.  Peels with rush to Y.

K is jawsed after H6.  All on schedule to finish this turn.

Rush peels after 1b.  R has gone rather short of 3b, looks level with rover.

Makes 2b, sends K to a position to rush after 3b rather than to rover.  Doesn't get his rush, but sends K to rover getting no rush on R.  Y is nearer H6 than 4b.  Rolls R into wire of penult, where it sticks.  Gets rush on Y to 4b.  K is 1 yd in front of rover.

Irish peels from 1.5ft straight.

US win +26tp(H)

Test Score
Match Score

They seem to have swapped colours.  Landrebe plays K to anti-duffer position.

Bast plays Y to 1 ft S of C2.

  Beard   Landrebe
  Huneycutt   Bast

U shoots at K from A baulk.  Misses.

R shoots at U from C3, hits rushing to H4.

Sends U level with peg, only 2 yds off E boundary.  That looked a bit defensive.  Rushes K into C2.  Stops K 2 ft out of corner, gets rush to H1.

Makes 1 with rush S.  This is where he needed U in a better position.  Manages to cut-rush to H4, and takes off to U, getting a rush pointing at C2, which he rushes to 6yds S of C2.  Send U behind H2 getting rush on K to H2.  Rushes close to H2 and stops it E of hoop on approach.  Runs H2 and hits U.  Sends U towards H3 , and rushes K nicely in front of H3. 

With Y at H4, he has an easy break from here.

U goes to peg after 1b, looks like another spread coming up.

Yep, gets a good spread with K maybe 2 yds off W boundary and U at the peg.

1 1 4b 1

Beard lifts U and shoots from B baulk.  Misses by a mile and U goes off boundary 2 yds N of Y.

Sends U to near H4, getting rush on R.  sends R to H2 and rushes K to H1.  Runs H1 by 2", and has a hampered shot at K which he hits.

Makes H2 off partner and rushes it 2 yds in front of 4b.  Takes off to K managing to get R 2 ft in front of 4b.  Hits R in the hoop stroke, and peels from about 1 yd.  R sticks in jaws.  Rushes K back up wide of U and sends it to H5.

Makes H4 and goes directly to H5 without going back to R.  U is a bit far S of H6, halfway to the peg.

Makes H5 off K, and sends K just past H6 going to R.  Rush peels and plays a pass roll getting a poor rush on U which he cuts to 2 ys SW of the hoop.  Takes off and makes hoop.  Hits R and tries peel from 3 yds NNW of penult.

R glances off the side of penult, with a rush for Y to N boundary on U.  U goes to 2b with a poor rush on K to 1b, which goes 1 yd behind the hoop.  Takes off for 1 yd hoop which he makes.

Sends good K to 3b, getting a long rush on R back to penult.  Rushes to 2 yds infront and plays death roll.  R is peeled to 6" through penult and gets good position on U.

Rolls U to 4b after 2b, rushes R 3 yds E from penult.  Takes off to K at 3b.

Sorry, lost my internet connection for a while there.  Rolls K to penult after 3, and gets a rush on R to N boundary.  Sends it short of rover by about 5 yds.  Makes 4b, and adjusts R to 1 yd in front before making penult.  Irish peels and finishes.  US win +26tp(H) +26tp(B)

Test Score
Match Score