Maugham (GB) v Forster (Aus)
Submitted by Admin on Thu, 19/08/2010 - 19:22 +0100
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MacRobertson Shield 2010 |
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Maugham (GB) v Forster (Aus)
Submitted by Admin on Thu, 19/08/2010 - 19:22 +0100
Please use this link to get to the end of the commentary. |
Apologies to fans of Dave or Stephen. Celebrations following GB's win of the MacRobertson Sheild, followed by an excellent barbeque lunch and "MacBlizzard" desert took precedence.
However, a summary so far...
Dave had an early - I think 4th turn - ball to 4-back with an MSL
Stephen hit, and did the first peel of a TPO, followed by a 1-back leave.
Dave missed, after which Stephen completed the TPO, with one peel on partner and had two balls off.
I didn't see the contact turn, but as I rejoin the match, Dave has just run failed hoop 2, with Yellow, now for penult - at near maximum length position on E boundary, I assume he went there after runing 4-back.
Sorry, another interruption for a dead-game SXP from SNM. RIF is on another.
Back to this match...
Stephen has failed penult, giving Dave a lift he takes it from B baulk and nicks it. Rolls to an angled hoop 2, and fails with a solid rejection. Stephen has a 10 yarder, which he takes and misses, almost to S boundary. Dave takes position.
Dave take position
Stephen to level with 5 on W boundary.
Dave runs hoop 2 and takes (poor) position at hoop 3.
Stephen to level with 6 on W boundary
Dave takes (good position).
Stephen to N boundary, 3 yards from corner II.
Dave jawses hoop 3.
Runs hoop 3, to a yard N of hoop 4; good shot easy hoop.
Runs hoop, and takes position at 5.
Dave has 2 yard, slightly angled position. Stephen can probably shoot at this. No, tries to take position at penult; obviously thinks Dave can't run from where he is. But Stephen hasn't got position either.
Dave is looking at his hoop, looks to be about 35 degrees. Takes it on. Great shot. Looked to be headed for N boundary, but hits the peg, and bounces a yard to the side. Hits is 7 yarder anyway and now has a 2.5 yard roll-up for a 2 ball break,
Sticks in hoop 6.
Stephen has a 4 yard at blue.
Hits, has a 5 yard reverse take-off, from which he gets a 2 yard hoop.
Runs cleanly to a 1 yard 45 degree rover. Or could have a 10 yarder at blue. Declines both and goes level with rover on E boundary
Dave takes better position;
Off to take some photos of the NZ team...
... Yellow is now for peg, and has just dribbled a little closer. Dave is in 1-back.
Dave runs to 4 yards NNW of rover and hits his 10 yarder; rushing yellow to the middle of East boundary. Approaches 2-back and gets a 3 yard 2-back. Fails.
Stephen turns down the 9 yarder at Dave, and hits the peg instead.
Australia +6
Rob, on lawn 3, get a loud "Boo!" from Phil for running hoop 5. I think Phil wanted a +26sxp +26ocp result.
Quick restart for game 2; Stephen is on a third turn break
Dave takes "short" lift, misses.
Stephen fails hoop 1
Dave is now starting a break; he's made hoop 1 and should be around. Planning TPO.
...but has stuck in hoop 2.
I can't cope any more... Off to watch Rob's SXP. Will be back with an update.
Stephen is on a TP for a 2-0 win.
However, 4-back before 1-back rejected - poor shot had a 5 yarder at his 1-back pioneer, but coped. Probably end this turn on 4-back or penult and peg. Dave is still for 1 and 2.
Just on peel and a diagonal spread.
Dave takes the short lift. Hits
In case there's anyone still out there, Dave went to 1-back.
Stephen missed, and Dave is progressing his SXP well. He's just run 2-back, with four peels complete.
Dave finishes +4sxp
Dave K supershot
Stephen Y shoots gently, misses
Dave shoots U hard at Y from B baulk, misses to 4 yards from A baulk
R hits U, Takes off (?!?) to yellow and is away, albeit with a wayward pioneer
Stephen goes to 4-back with two pops, but then has a diagonal spread.
Dave (unsurprisingly) takes the long lift with Blue; misses
Stephen now has a delayed TP in front of him
Looks under control; just run hoop 6 with peelee jawsed in 4-back
Running 3-back with peelee 2 yards due north of rover
Thanks for reading!